Chapter Two

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Is This Serious?

Sydney's POV

       I got home around eight and was greeted by two very sunburned little girls, a tired Hope, and a very nice looking Collin who I learned was going out.

"Don't bring him home," I told him as he rolled his eyes.

"Thank you for having faith in me," he said as I smiled at him before saying, "I'm heading out, i'll be back later, or tomorrow."

"TMI!" Hope and I yelled as he laughed.

"Be back before nine tomorrow!" I yelled after him.

"Yes mom!" he said as I heard the garage door open and smiled.

"Mommy! Can we watch Little Mermaid?" Hannah asked as Hope laughed.

"No sweetie, you actually have to go to bed along with Breanna, come on my loves!" Hope said as the girls groaned but followed their mother down the hallway.

Laughing I walked into the kitchen and found a bag of chips! Cheering I carried it to the living room after a pit stop in my room for my laptop. I logged on while munching on BBQ chips and listening to the evening news Hope liked so much.

"The girls are put to bed!" Hope cheered coming in and plopping down next to me on the couch and grabbing a handful of chips.

"Go Mom!" I said smiling at her as she sighed, it wasn't always easy for Hope being a teenage mom, going to school, and having a job but somehow she makes it happen.

"Ya go mom!" she said dryly as I sighed but smiled at her.

"I couldn't have done it," I said clicking my email notifcation while grabbing another chip.

"The thing is I am pretty sure you could do it better than I could Sydney. You warned me about having sex with Landon (girls' father) but I still did it. I was an irresponsible person. You wouldn't have done that. You would of been so much responsible. You had the perfect family. If you had the girls somehow magically you would have everything fine and dandy! You would make them happy, I mean they adore you," Hope said wiping tears from her eyes.

"I had a perfect family, but they're gone," I said staring at my computer screen, "They might adore me Hope, but I swear they adore you more. You're their mother, you are the one that brought them into this world. You're the one who does everything for them. So just shut the fuck up. Their dad might be a complete loser but they are still here in this world, little angels. So shut the fuck up about this poor little ol' me and my children shit," I told her looking up.

"You are probably the most biggest bitch I have ever met," she said as I shrugged clicking on an email I recieved from an old friend. "But the biggest motivational speaker I have ever met, I love you," she said leaning her head on my shoulder.

"First you call me a bad word and then you tell me you love me, wow," I said teasingly.

"Oh shut up," she said punching me in the side as I sighed.

"And you abuse me," I told her looking at my email typing a quick reply before finding an email from The Voice Headquarters, the subject line said, 'New Coaches.' "Interesting," I said as Hope moved to be laying on the couch taking the bag of chips with her.

"What is interesting?" she asked shoving some of the stolen chips into her mouth.

"I got an email from the Headquarters talking about the new coaches," I told her as I looked at her.

"Tell me about it," she said as I sighed.

"Bossy," I muttered as she kicked me gently in my leg as I looked at my email and cleared my throat. "It says," I said clearing my throat before reading it outloud.

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