Dear diary (Shaniya's Diary)...

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  • Dedicated to Marcus

Dear diary,  8-24-09

As i sit here thinking i don't feel how i used to for Raymond when we kiss it's not the passion i once remember. I always think about Marcus i wonder if he knows I like him because i can't keep holding it inside. If Raymond knew he'd be heart broken we've been together for  11 1/12 months to tell him there's someone else would devastate him. I haven't told nobody  about my feelings for Marcus. If this Diary gets out all hell could break loose. Shaniya + Marcus or Shaniya + Raymond. I don't wanna seem like a hoe for liking two guys :(.  Could this year be the year my dreams come true. These years being the best years of my life? Could i be in love with Marcus? Should I let my emotions run wild or control them and stick with the Raymond? Man this is gonna be a hard decision.

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