Chapter Two

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Gray McEvanz's POV

AFTER MY little show at mister handsome's house, we got into his car, then he started driving. "Where are we going?" I asked, cradling my hurt arm.

"To the hospital you idiot," he replied, his eyebrows frowning in concentration.

"Why?" I asked again.

"To fix your broken arm, gosh!" he replied.


"So that you will not be hurt anymore."

"Why?" I asked for the third time.

"Seriously now? If you asked one more question, I swear on my grandfather's balls I will kick you out of this car, and leave you!" he bellowed, the annoyed look clearly evident on his face.

I started laughing, looking at him amused. "Your grandfather's balls? Seriously?"

"Of course, of all the things I said, that is the only thing that came in to your mind. Why am I not surprise?" he said, chuckling silently to himself.

I decided to ignore him. I leaned my head at the window, looking the shops as we passed by. I have never went in this side of the town before. Hell, I don't even know if I'm still in my town. Meh, whatever, after this, I'm sure mister handsome here will be kind enough give a ride.

"You know, I never got your name before. What is it?" he decided to break the silence between us.

"Are you for real now? We hooked up, had a steamy ding-a-ling yet you didn't even know my name? What kind of human are you?" I asked him ridiculously.

His face flushed, then glared at me. "Oh, and I'm perfectly sure you don't even know my name." he challenged. A challenge huh? I always won. I know his name perfectly, like a memory tattooed in my brain. His name is-

"Brian. Your name is Brian." I confidently answered. He gave me an 'are you for real' look as if he caught me reading a bara doujinshi. A smug smile started to form on my face when he replied, "Nope, not my name."

My smile instantly vanished as fast as it formed on my face. 'How?' I asked myself. I don't really know his name, but from his face and his actions, his name should be Brian, or anything close to it. I am really good at guessing names, really. I should be a god for it. There's this one time, when a new student enrolled in our school. She was blonde, had a fake tan, and wearing those really short shirts and skirt. Believe me, her clothing was next to none. Anyways, my best friend Compass, and his twin brother North betted that if I could guess her name right, they will do all my chores and assignments for a month, and if I don't get it right, I will run naked around the school. My guessed name is Stacy. Let's just say I'm freer than the freest man for a month.

"What? Did I say Brian? I mean Jason." I quickly corrected. This time I should be right. There's no other name more suitable for him than that. If I get wrong, I swear I will shave my cat's fur.

"Seriously? Admit it. You don't know my name." he stated. "And your guesses are horrible. My name is not even an inch close to it."

Oh. Sorry Mr. Sniffles, I guess I have to shave you.

"Well then, mister my-name-is-so-awesome-you can't-guess-it, tell me." I raised an eyebrow at him, trying to imitate my mom's evil look, which is by the way, I'm horrible at. The eyebrow raise. I probably looked like Flynn Rider from Tangled using his smolder look.

"First of, I did not say that 'my name is so awesome you can't guess it'. Second, my name is Genesis. And what kind of facial expression is that? You look like a Chihuahua who just ate a ghost pepper." He said, pulling up to a little hospital. Guess we're here.

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