Chapter Seven

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Gray McEvanz's POV

THIS IS literally the worst day ever! This could not get any worse. Oh right, it could.

Sitting on the foot the bed, I tried my best not to scream, as the nurse slowly stitches my forehead. I swear, the nurse loves to see me in pain. I think I saw her smile when I flinched a while ago. "Here you go dear, good as new." she said after she finished torturing my head. I nodded, instantly regretting my decision. The pain from the cut only intensifies. "Shit, that hurts"

"Careful now dear, we don't want to tear the stich now, do we?" she said, doing those smiles that villains do when something evil forms in their mind. I swear I can almost hear her think. She wants the stich to rip apart so she can stich it again!

I gave her a smile, which is obviously a fake, but I don't think she noticed maybe too busy forming her evil plan to stich my cut again. "Thank you so much nurse, can I go now?"

"Oh yes you can my dear, but remember to apply the ointment the doctor asked you to put okay?" she said.


I made my way outside the hospital. Finally, free! I smiled widely, which can make Cheshire jealous. I started to do those running man thingy, then I remembered I still have this cast on. Dang it.

Well, if you're all wondering, here's what happened.

Before the accident, 18 hours ago... or was it 24?

It was one of those days when you wake up and said, 'this day will be best'. And yeah, I was right. Partially.

My morning started with a cup of coffee, and a word from mom about safety. Yes, she still isn't contented with her episode last night. My dad, however, is different. He just sat there, pretending to read his boring newspaper and munching on mom's homemade cookies. I tried giving him my 'help me look' but apparently he was too busy 'reading' to notice me.

"Well it's a lovely breakfast mom, but I have to go to school now." I said, interrupting her speech, which is now getting irrelevant to the topic. My mom waved me goodbye, but not without giving me another three minutes of her speech.

After that horrible, and awkward scenario, I started my way to school. I decided to walk today, since today has a good weather, and also it's quite early seeing that I have to leave early to avoid mom. My school is not that far from our house, just 'bout ten to fifteen minutes walking distance.

When I arrived at school, whispers started to sound across the hallway. Apparently they have never seen a guy with a broken arm before. Pity.

"Dude, what the fuck happened to you?" a voice called me at the back.

I turned around to and saw my best friend Compass, and his twin brother North. Both of them are so alike you have a hard time recognizing them. Even their parents don't know who is which. They both have dark brown, almost black hair, brown hazel eyes, pouty lips, and they even have the same position of moles in their face! I don't know why I can differentiate them from each other, but I guess it's a best friend instinct. I mean, I have been friends with them since diapers.

(photo of North/Compass)

"Nothing, just had an accident." I said nonchalantly. As we made our way to our lockers, the whole student body parted like Moses cut the sea. I really don't know why I'm so popular. I mean, I am skinny and I don't play sports. I asked my best friends about it, and they say that it's because I am rich, that I have straight A's, and also that my parents literally funded almost seventy-five percent of the school.

... and let's not forget being friends with the mayor. The whole me and the mayor picture thing.

"I'm surprised you're not grounded or something." North said, picking up some books in the locker for our morning period. Compass nodded, seconding the statement of his brother.

"Ha. I'm grounded actually. But not because of the whole broken arm thing." I stated, making our way now to the first class. The three of us almost have the same classes, except for mathematics and science, since I have the AP classes, while they have the regular ones.

"Oh? Then what for?" Compass asked, his bushy eyebrows raised in confusion.

"Well... I shaved my cat." I murmured, bowing my head in embarrassment.

"You did what? Why? What did the cat do to you to make you shave him?" Compass laughed, together with his brother.

"It's a long story. Why don't we go inside the classroom now eh? I'm sure Mr. Dean would love his students to be on time." I smiled at them, literally pushing both of their bodies towards the door.

After classes, I decided to take a long route and walk around the town for a while. I want to make sure that my mom is asleep when I get home. I don't want to be lectured again. I think I had enough of it at school.

It's half past nine when I got home. The house is oddly dark. My mom don't fancy dark places. So is my dad. The house is always bright even when it's then middle of the day. So I was confused as to why now.

"Mom?" I called out once I got inside. I switched the light on, and winces with the sudden brightness. It took me a moment for my eyes to adjust and help me see well. I scanned around the house looking for something unusual. Nope. Everything is in place, except for the letter at the counter.

I dropped my bad on the floor, and went for the letter. I quickly opened it, and smiled as I read through the contents. Well... the letter states that my mom and dad are having their honeymoon again. This time, they are going to Bahamas. It also stated that they are not be back until the end of the month, so that means I have the place for the whole two weeks. Yes! Now this is what we call LIFE!

I decided to order some pizza, since no one is going to cook. And the kitchen is off limits to me. I burned the kitchen once, or was it three times, trying to boil a water. So now, mom puts a tarpaulin specifically says that I am off limits in the kitchen, in bold, all in upper case letters.

After stuffing my face with a whole pizza, and drowning myself in a whole liter of soda, I decided to call it a day. I was on my way of tucking myself in bed, when I head a strange sounds coming from the kitchen. My ears suddenly perked up, and my body jerked of bed. I looked around, trying to search for a possible weapon, and found nothing except for my shoes. I got my shoes, holding it with my two hands and creeps slowly to the kitchen.

I switched on the lights and shouts a war cry, charging to the opponent. I threw my shoes to the direction of the sound, and it hit something, with a dull thud. I opened my eyes and found nothing. My shoes lay upside down in front of our back door. It took me few moment to realize that the sound was actually coming outside at the backyard. I opened my door hesitantly, stopping a few seconds to calm my raging heart.

I opened the back door, and was greeted with a cold chilly air, and dark surroundings. I squinted my eyes, trying to see more clearly but saw nothing but tall silhouette of trees and nothing more. That is until I was about to close the door when I saw something moving at the ground, with two glowing orbs that oddly looks like two eyes. My eyes widened, and suddenly remembered that we have lights for our backyard. I switched them on hastily, and gasped of what I saw.

There, laying at my backyard, is guy, bloody and bruised. What made me gasped is not because of his bloody body, but of those weird eyes that are glowing with yellow color.

 What made me gasped is not because of his bloody body, but of those weird eyes that are glowing with yellow color

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The first thing that came into my mind is that,

Where the heck can I buy those awesome contacts?

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