Chapter Five

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Sebastian Pontrov's POV

"WOAH, LOOK at that? That looks so sick!"
"Gahhh, what the heck is this? It moves!"
"Dude, this building is huge!"

"I know it is your first time out of the island but do you really have to make a big deal out of everything you see?" I said, while picking some dirt off my nails.

"Mmm." Clint hummed, agreeing to what I said, while driving. It has only been 5 hours since we departed from the the island and Ulysses can't stop gushing about everything he sees. I swear he looks just like a child!

We are riding on a black SUV, on our way to one of the werewolf clan stationed outside the Dwellers' Island. The clan alpha, Donovan Brownfur, is kind enough to let us stay there for a while till I find my mate, or till we determine that she is not here.

"Can't helped it dude. I have never been outside the island before. I swear it looks better than the ones we see on TV!" Ulysses replied, nodding his head in appreciation into every building that the sees.

I decided to ignore him and listens to the music of Panic! at the Disco while waiting for us to arrive at the clan. A few hours later, the sun had already sunk, washing all the colors away and replacing it with black. Uly stopped gushing about the scenery seeing that it is already dark. Although he can use his supernatural eyes, what he can see will be heat signatures which is a very wierd sight. Also, almost all the designs of the buildings that he sees is somewhat repetitive. He is now busy on his phone, doing God knows what.

Clint on the other hand is still on wheels, driving. On this travel, there are onlhree of us. I did not request more personnel to be my protector since my task right now will take a very long time. Although my safety is a top priority, I don't want to lessen the military force of the kingdom by bringing more beta-level protectors, in case if there is an attack of rogue parties. Aside from that, I believe in my strength as well as the strengths of Uly and Clint to protect ourselves against a rogue attack.

In the world of the dwellers, especially for werewolves, there is a ranking system in the society. Starting from alpha, which is the highest to omega, which is the lowest. Those who are strong can be granted a beta-level combat rank and if you are a leader of a pack, you can be granted an alpha-level combat rank.

"What!?" Uly suddenly shouted, which made me jumped in surprise and made Clint pressed the brakes rather strongly, as we made a screeching halt.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Clint cursed, as he checks his head on the mirror to see if there are any wounds or scratches.

I, on the other hand, just glared at him, giving him my killer look.

Uly smiled at us sheepishly. "Dude, you won't believe what just happened."

"What?" I replied to him, still quite angry.

"You know Topher right?" he asked.

"Who dat?" Clint questioned.

"You know, the one who's sister is the alpha-level leader of the queen's personal guard?"

"You mean Valkyrie?" I asked.

"Yeah, that woman. Apparently, her younger brother got a male mate." Uly replied.

"What the heck? Dude, that is disgusting. I can't imagine two dudes getting it on." I said, while cringing at the thought of it.

Seriously, who the heck thinks that it is a good idea to have a male mate? I known that we cannot choose our own mate since it has already been pre-destined since the dawn of time but we can always choose to reject them right? I have seen plenty of werewolves rejecting their mates and they seemed alright to me.

'What if my mate was a guy?' a sudden thought popped in my mind. I smiled at such ridiculousness. Surely the fates won't give the future alpha king of the whole werewolves a male mate right? That would be so ridiculous. Also, if ever, in some twisted fate, that I will get a male mate, my heart is already set on rejecting him. I am perfectly capable of leading the entire country myself.

"Mmm, thoughts exactly." Uly replied agreeing to my opinion while Clint just sat there silently, continuing on driving to the pack house.

It is already around nine at night. According to the GPS, we are now only 30 miles away from the pack. The road is deserted and is strangely quiet. Only the sound of the crickets can be heard which made the whole atmosphere eerie. It is way too quiet. I suddenly felt that something is wrong.

"Stop!" I demanded to Clint which he immediately did. Seems like it wan't only me who felt something.

"You feel that?" I asked them both.

"Yeah, the atmosphere feels... off." Uly replied.

I got out of the car while Uly and Clint immediately followed. Almost instantly, a bloodlust-filled atmosphere assulted our senses. There is only one explaination from all of this...

"OH MY GAWD! THERE ARE BEARS IN THIS PLACE!" Uly shrieks like a mad woman.

"No you dimwit. Rogues!" I hissed.

Immediately, a large number of feral wolves jumped out of the dark woods and into the light. They encircled us growling like a mad rabid dogs as it is what they are.

There are way too many of them, around one hundred and fifty. There is no way out. We cannot run or we'll be dead for sure. We cannot last in a fight either seeing that we are outrageously outnumber. That means each of us has to take down fifty mad dogs who does not feel pain nor fear of death.

I took a very deep breath. There is only one way...

"WE SURRENDER!" Uly shouted, while on his knees with his hands held up in the air.

"Fucking retard." I cursed. "No. We will fight. Take down as many as you can. We might now kill them all but least we deal a huge blow on their numbers. Fight!" I growled.

Uly and Clint nodded their head, understanding my point. We all shifted into our wolf forms, pouncing on the closest rogue we can find.

I pounced on a skinny looking rogue. He was taken aback by my sudden attack that he wasn't able to defend himself. I clawed his neck, letting him bleed to death. I then immediately pounced on the other rogue near the one I just killed.

It has only been around ten minutes but I am already exhausted. Taking down a fully guarded rogue is way harder than the ones who are taken by surprise. My left front paw is now useless in the fight. I got a long claw wound coming from the back of my head down to my stomach. My right eye is covered in so much blood I barely can see. Uly and Clint are in worse state than I am. Uly's right ear have been sliced clean off while Clint's left back paw has been bent in places that shoudn't have been.

"Seb, I know that you want to die fighting but this isn't the time for that." Clint mind-linked me. "Uly and I will make an opening for you. Run as fast as you can to a safe place. Don't ever turn back." He continued.

"No no no. You guys can't do that. We will die together." I insisted.

"Shut up Sebastian. The werewolf kingdom needs a king. With your brother gone, and your father being old, the kingdom won't last long. The kingdom needs you." Uly argued.

"No. That is final. I will protect you guys. I won't let you sacrifice your lives for a worthless one like mine."

"Don't be self-centered Seb. We are not sacrificing ourselves for you. We are sacrificing ourselves for the future of the kingdom." Clint again said, shouting the last part clearly in pain as one rogue bit his other back paw.

I nodded. Although it pains me, they have a point. The kingdom needs me now more than ever.

"I will rescue you guys I promise. I swear it to the heavens. I will bring you back. Dead or alive."

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