New Pet

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So today since Jhanae feeling sick cause all she doing is throwing up like every 10 minutes Ima go get her a pet.All I know is that she hates fish so I might get her a dog or a cat.

I was driving downtown when I saw this pet store.I parked near it and got out the car.As I was walking towards the store it was a box infront of it saying pet for sell.I looked in the box and it was a baby leopard.Thats seriously rare.I picked up the leopard and bought it inside.

Me"hi I'm here to buy a pet and I noticed this lil guy outside in the fucking cold rain"

Lady"excuse me sir but you need to watch your language"

Me"yea whatever how much"

Lady"you want that thing"

Me"bitch if you don't tell me the price of this mutha fucka"

Lady"12 dollars"

Me"thank you"

I went and got a big cage,food bowl and a bed and then I went back to the counter with the leopard on my shoulder.She scanned the lil bracelet thing on his arm and then she scanned everything else

Lady"your total is 40"

I paid the lady and she looked at my while I put my money back in my pocket.She started bagging stuff and then opened her mouth to speak.

Lady"what are you going to feed that thing"

Me"fresh meat you want me to start off with you"

Lady"no I'm good"

I took the stuff and got back in my car I put his bed in the front seat and put him in and then I put my seat belt on and drove off.My phone started ringing and it was Tyga.

Me"hey man"

Ty"sup boi"

Me"aye so look I went to go get a pet for Jhanae right tell me why they had this lil newborn leopard siting outside in the cold ass rain"

Ty"what the hell"

Me"exactly and then she gonna ask me what Ima feed that thing and I told her Ima feed him her if you don't shut the fuck up"

Ty"wow bruh that was fucked up"

Me"it was so wassup"

Ty"oh yea I heard about Jhanae being pregnant it's on tmz someone recorded yall conversation about a baby yesterday and then they was taking pictures of her sitting by the toilet"

Me"and then tmz wonders why I cursed them out"

Ty"igh bruh lemme go so I can deal with Chyna annoying ass"

Me"igh bruh"

As soon as he said Chyna I started thinking bout King of diamonds they didn't fire Chyna when she got pregnant and she got pregnant like right after she got the job on the same damn day.

I walked in the house and Jhanae was sitting on the couch watching sponge bob.


Chris had just walked in with this big old bag and he started taking the stuff out.It was a big cage that he put right by the door a food bowl that he put infront of me and a bed that he sat on the side of the couch.

Me"what you hiding"

Chris"well I was trying to hide your present behind my back and I guess he thought he was gonna fall so he just like clawed my shirt until he was able to stick"

He said taking this baby thing off his back.He put it in my lap and I smiled.

Me"what's this"

Chris"baby leopard I'm not sure if he is sick because the pet store kept him outside in the cold rain"


Chris"what you gonna name him"


Chris"right after my album"

Me"Ima make a doctors appointment for me and him"

Chris"that's dope but when"

Me"prolly for tomorrow my boss knows about my pregnancy so he gave me a lot of time to take off"

Chris"okay that's cool"

Fortune fell asleep and I fell asleep on the couch cuddled with him.It was very nice of Chris to do that for me.


I went back in the living room with a plate of chicken and sweet potatoes and I saw that Fortune and Jhanae cuddle and he was on her breast.My lil man.I took a picture of them and posted it saying "look at these 2 getting along already and we just got Fortune like 3minutes ago @Sexy_Nae22"

I locked my phone and turned to Ridiculousness.My started lighting up like crazy with all these comments and likes and shit but ignored.Actually no I took Jhanae phone and recorded it and posted it saying "all these thirsty bitches blowing up his phone like damn"

Then she started getting comments of people agreeing with her and likes and shit.We get love hella quick.

I finished my food and washed
The dishes and then along with them I went to sleep in beat and I can't take it no more one more step Ima pass out

Sorry for mistakes in typing fast and I'm typing on a cracked screen so please don't judge the mistakes ✌🏽️✌🏽👅

Later on I'll fix them

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