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Jhanae's Pov

Ok so today I'm moving I don't know where to go and I can't think of no one to call.The reason why I'm moving is because someone did a drive by last night and my living room windows is fucked up.

I had to think for a minute and I called Chris he is the only one to help.


Me"Chris you up"

Chris"yea what's wrong you sound scared"

Me"I'm not scared for me im scared for Elijah"


Me"well because someone did a drive by last night which fucked up my living room windows and I just want some place to stay"

Chris"I'll have the movers move all your stuff here and put it away for you and you could just relax where's Elijah"

Me"right here sleep"

Chris"they on they way now just come over"


I hung up and dressed Elijah and then I dressed myself and left with the door unlocked since the movers was already out there.

I drove to Chris house in my car and when we made it Chris was out there smoking a blunt and so I went and bought Elijah inside and i saw his mother sitting on the couch watching tv.

She looked at me and smiled I smiled back and put Elijah on the couch.

Joyce"how bout you and Chris go have some fun I'll watch Elijah for you"

Me"you serious"

Joyce"yes go enjoy yourselves"

Me"thank you so much"

I went back outside and told Chris and he left the door unlocked but still closed it.

Where ever we were going we were there quick as hell.

Me"Chris where are we"

Chris"a hookah bar you love me right"

Me"I never did stop"

Chris"so then give me a kiss"

We both leaned in and kissed once again I could feel the fireworks in my stomach it's just something about him that makes me get butterflies every time he smiles and when he comes around I just feel safe and secure.

We broke the kiss and went inside and saw all his niggas and I saw Honey and Heather.

Heather"hey girl"


Honey"so what yall back together"

Me"sort of"

Tyga"grab a pen Jhanae"

Me"I can't smoke I don't even know why the fuck he bought me here"

Trell"oh I know why you can't smoke"

Chris"damn how yall find that out"

Heather"tmz is a bitch"

Honey"it better be a girl tho"

Chris"bet you it's a boy"

Me"bet it's a girl $400"

Chris"igh bet"

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