Elijah Dei Brown

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It's been 1 minute since I gave birth and they just now gave me Elijah back.Chris walked in from using the bathroom and got extremely happy.Elijah smiled and so did I.

Chris instantly took him out my arms and I took a picture of them and posted it on Instagram saying "Welcome Elijah Dei Brown 6 lbs 13 oz❤️❤️"


kinggoldchains"aww look at my nephew"

kingtrell"we on our way to the hospital now"

chrisbrownofficial"👶🏽❤️😘 family with wifey👪"

swagianna"aww happy for you😊😊"

~Tjbaby~💰"text me"

déjà21"it should've been me hoe"

naebaby18"bitch I ain't no hoe if I been with the same man dumbass@déjà21😑"

The comments kept on coming and someone Dm me.I checked it and it was that Deja chick.I looked up and Elijah was sleep on Chris chest and so was Chris.

I looked back at my phone and she had the nerve to Dm me with the after shower pic of Chris.I hit her name and all this shit just came back to me.This the girl I fought and got expelled for.This bitch.

I ain't even gonna answer the Dm.Just then somebody knocked on the door waking up Elijah and he started crying and Chris gave him to me.I grabbed a blanket and breast fed him.

Trell"hey sis I would hug you but nah"

King"auntie why did you eat the baby"


Dayci"how did the baby get in your stomach you had to eat it"

Me"no I did not eat it but it's a loooonnggg story"

Kids"we got time"

Me"you wanna learn about girls and boys"

King"I hate girls"

Dayci"and I hate boys"

King"girls make me wanna throw up"

Ty"you won't be saying that for long"


She said hugging King and he pretended to throw up.


A and then Chris woke up saying screaming no

Me"what's wrong"

Chris"the pizza flew away a I didn't even get to eat it"


King"can I hold the baby"

Ty"no when you 4 yes but no"

Jamie"Dayci don't even ask"


I was holding Elijah once again and everyone was just getting a chance to hold him.He was so quiet and exactly like me.If you wake him up he'll get cranky if you take his food he'll get cranky it's basically me all over.

Me"hey lil man"

I said as he put his mouth on my nose.I saw like 3 flashes go off and I put him on my lap.

Me"what is wrong with yall"

Heather"what it was a cute moment we had to take pics"

Trell girlfriend said walking in the door along with Tyga's Honey Cocaine or Sochitta

Honey"hey Nae"


Heather"are you ok"

Nae"you try pushing out a big headed baby and you'll feel my pain"

They all started laughing and then the doctor walked in.

Doc.L"well you and the baby are perfectly healthy so you can go home"

The doctor left out and we looked at eachother.

Ty"is that even legal"

Nae"it's legal now let's go"

She said getting out the bed and going in the bathroom with her bag.I got Elijah diaper bag and took out a onesie and some pants along with his Jordan's socks.

After getting him dressed I put a jacket on him.It was 1:00 am oh and yea happy new year even tho we did that already and then came here but it's 2015 yall turn up for that.

We all walked out the hospital and I put Elijah in the carseat and got in the car and right after I did Nae came out and put her stuff in the trunk and then got in the car.

Nae"you put the car seat in right"


She turned around and looked in the mirror thing over top his crib to see him smiling and trying to put his whole hand in his mouth.

I shook my head and pulled off and I guess they were gonna follow me back to the house and then go home.I looked to my right and Nae was sleep I checked on the baby and he was playing with the toys on his car seat.I smiled and kept driving.

Since this was a 60 minute drive we made it there at 2:00 am.I got out the car and sapped my niggas and they left.Then I went back to the car and woke up Nae and picked up Elijah out the carseat.All these flashes were going off so I put his birth blanket over his body.We walked inside and Jhanae went to sleep on the couch.I shook my head and put Elijah upstairs in our bedroom since his room wasn't finished and it should be by tomorrow

I went back downstairs and picked up Jhanae and bought her into the room and put her in the bed carefully so she wouldn't fall on the baby.I got undressed and got in bed and went to sleep can't wait to spend the day with my lil one

Sorry For Mistakes😁

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