Doctor's Appoinment

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Today Ima just chill with my niggas at the studio well not for the whole day cause Jhanae gotta go to the doctor and on top of that she not feeling good so I have to take Fortune to his appointment by myself.

We was all in the studio smoking a blunt while I had Fortune in my lap.He kept his eyes on my blunt and it made me laugh.

Red"what's so funny"

Me"this nigga want my blunt look"

I said waving it in the air and he started growling and scratching my arm.It didn't hurt tho.

Ty"you gonna get to the point where all you can do is keep him in your back yard"

Me"yea I know"

I had this lil bag full of bottles for him.I took one out and shook it up and then I began to feed him.

Sean"you gonna spoil him"

Me"maybe Ima get his food bowl customized it's gonna be gold and say Fortune in diamonds"

Dee"why yall name him Fortune"

Trell"right after his album nigga"

Me"Ima get him a collar too"

Ty"all gold"


Me"man shut up Deelho you sound dumb as fuck"

Dee"well damn"

Red"what you gon name your baby"

Me"boy Elijah girl Royalty"

Trell"that's dope"


My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller ID and it was Jhanae.

Me"it's time"

Jhanae"yea hurry up"

I hung up and put my phone in my pocket and everyone looked at me.

Dee"didn't she just get pregnant"

Me"this is why yall need to mind yall business we going to a doctors appointment"

I said picking up Fortune and leaving.I got back to the house and put Fortune in his cage along with a pee pad or whatever.

We both got in the car and I looked at Jhanae stomach it wasn't that big but it was getting there.

We arrived at the doctors office and went into the waiting room.It was packed and all these women was starring me down and shit.One girl even had the nerve to ask me is she your sister.Im glad Jhanae was over at the desk signing papers.

Me"that's my girlfriend"

Lady"I could give you better"

Me"ha ain't no body better than her"

Lady"and what that got to do with me"

Me"you ain't got shit"

I said and she just walked away all mad not my problem.Jhanae came and sat by me looking mad.

Me"what happen"


Me"then fix your face Nae"

She stayed like that and tried to hug me but I blocked it and held her hands down.

Me"Nae Nae"

She smiled and started laughing,I laughed too and pecked her lips.She cuddled into me and I put my arm around her and we began to talk

Me"so I was thinking like if the baby was a girl we could name her Royalty and a boy we could name him Elijah"

Nae"tell me why you stole the exact same names and everything I was about to say right out my mouth"

Me"so you agree on those names"

Nae"well duh"

Me"shut up white chick"

Nae"I'm not white"

Me"wait what are you mixed with"

Nae"I'm Jamaican,Indian and Trinidadian"


Nae"my mom is Trindian and my dad is Jamaican"

Me"oh well I'm from Virginia and my mom is white and black and my dad is black"

Nurse"Jhanae Brown"

Me"oh word"

We grabbed our jackets and went to the back into the doctors office.

Nurse"hi I'm Karla the doctor will be with you shortly"

She left out leaving a clipboard on the desk right next to me.I looked at Jhanae and she had a smile on her face.


I couldn't stop smiling this whole time I've been waiting to see the sex of our baby and I finally can.I kissed Chris and went straight back to smiling.

Chris"you ok"

Me"Im fine Cj"

Chris"your talking to my dick now"

Me"I'm fine Christopher"

Chris"you happy bout the baby aren't you"

Me"yup aren't you"

Chris"yea but you creeping me out right now"

Me"well I can't stop"

The doctor walked in and I stopped smiling and Chris shook his head.

Doctor"hello I'm Doctor James how are you today"


I sat on the table and Chris took off his hat showing his soft blonde and black waves.The doctor put the cold blue gel on my stomach and he moved the monitor thing around.

I heard the heartbeat and Chris smiled.

Doc.J"so your baby seems perfectly fine do you wanna know the gender"

Me"yes sir"

He kept on moving the monitor around until he was able too see the baby clearly.

Doc.J"I think your baby likes this position but it looks like your having a..."

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