Personal Gym

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(They outfits🔝)

Jhanae Pov

So Chris got a new gym not that far from us and its public so we gonna go there today and just work out as a family and see how many costumers come over

I was getting dressed and after I did I did my hair then I did the boys hair the same way just without the hair lotion cause if they sweat it's gonna be white.

After we all finished getting dressed Tristan just didn't wanna wear a shirt so he didn't but we left in Chris Hummer and went down to the gym.

As we went inside the boys just decided that they wanted to do waits tryna be like they father and pick up the 20 pound they both dropped it and it made a loud ass noise

Chris"come on yall we not doing that today yall better behave and Tristan if you put a dent in my floor Ima put one in your head"


He said pouting and sitting down on a near by bench.It started to get packed with hella celebrities and normal people who didn't freak out but just came to chill.

I noticed Elijah and Tj playing with Future baby Dakota and it just makes me wonder how they would act if they had a lil sister.

And if I do have a girl I hope she acts right I know she gonna be a lil tomboy cause she would only have brothers but I just hope that sometimes she will be lady like and not always rough.

What am I saying I ain't tryna have no more kids until Tj is atleast in 2nd grade and Eli in 3rd.

Elijah"mommy did you see that girl"

Tristan"she got a big butt"

Me"are yall talking bout my friend Chyna"



He walked over here with his shirt off looking hella good.


Me"your sons is flirting with Chyna"

Chris"cause they basically me all over again"

He said sitting down Elijah went to go play with King that is now 4 and Tristan went to play with Megaa Omarion son he also 3.

I put my head on Chris shoulder and sat right back up when I felt the sweat.

Me"do you need a towel"

Chris"naw I'm good gimmie a hug"

Me"not until you dry your sweat with a towel"


He said hugging me he started to kiss my neck and we were in a corner on the bench where no one could really see us but they could see our figure cause it's like this glass with patterns on it so you really can't see through it.


Chris"louder bae"

Me"nigga move"

Chris"I can't never have my moment can I"


He grabbed my butt and then plucked the shit outta my thigh.

Me"why tf you did that I have on leggings"

I said punching him in his back.He pulled me onto his lap and locked his arms around me.

Chris"now your not getting up"

Me"what if I have to pee"

Chris"we wash clothes tomorrow you good"

Me"what if I get hungry"

Chris"you could eat this dick"

I started laughing and he looked at me seriously this nigga is serious what the hell.I gotta think of a way to get up.

I started grinding on him and he laughed

Chris"that's just gonna make it worst for you and better for me"

I rolled my eyes and sat there and he finally decided to move.After leaving the gym we went to the park we just didn't feel like goin home so it's just like that

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