We Just Family

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(Jayden in Media)


Today I was taking Elijah over to my moms house since she wanted to see him.

Anyway I got dressed in my black BAD ASS crop top,my white booty shorts and I put on my belly ring.I slid on my white and black Jordan's and I went in the bathroom and put on some deodorant.

I went into Elijah room and picked him up and he woke up and smiled at me and I smiled back.I put him on the changing table and washed him up.I put him in a clean diaper and put some lotion on him.

I dressed him in a red shirt,black sweatpants and his black and red Jordan's.I put his necklace on him and his lil snapback.I grabbed his diaper bag and my phone and left a note for Chris saying "I left out be back soon love you"on his head.

Oh yea I took a drivers test and passed now I just need a car.Anyways after strapping Eli in the back I got in and put my seat belt on.I started the car and started my drive to my momma house.

When I arrived Jayden opened the door and smiled at me showing his white teeth.I smiled back and walked in to my mom sitting on the couch watching tv.When she saw me she smiled and came over and gave me a hug then she took Elijah and kissed all over his face as he laughed.

Me"so ma how you doin"

Mom"I'm good but go catch up with your brother yall been distant for a while"


I said as I went up the stairs watching her play with Elijah.I made it into Jayden room and opened the door and he was drawing.

I sat on his bed and he looked at me and kept on drawing.


As I was drawing I couldn't keep my eyes off of Jhanae ass I mean damn why has God blessed me and my sister like this if you know what I mean.

Tyana(Jhanae Mom)Pov

I should really explain to Jhanae and Jayden that they aren't brother and sister and that Jayden is the one that we took from my friend because she died.

Me"Jhanae and Jayden please come here"

By now Elijah was sleep on the couch on top of this blanket that he had.They both came running down the stairs and they sat on the couch in front of me.

Me"ok you too are not really related"


Me"Jayden you were my friends son a few seconds after birth she died and I took you in along with Jhanae father"


Me"so this doesn't affect you"

Jayden"it does it's just that you been there for me and I know my mother is proud of you for being there for me so thank you"

Me"you welcome"

I said as we hugged and Jhanae joined in too and they both went back upstairs and I was just kinda glad I told him
the truth


We were having a tickle contest and then Something just came over Jayden and he had the nerve to back me into the wall start kissing my neck and I pushed him away.

Me"look I know you not my real brother and all but I still love you as a brother let's keep it that way"

I said grabbing my phone and walking out he room.

Me"ma I'll call you later"

I got Elijah and took him to the park for a lil bit.I was pushing him on the swings and he was just laughing and smiling.

Me"why you so happy Mr huh why you so happy"

I said as we both shared a laugh and I kept on pushing him.He reached for me to pick him up and I did.I went on the slide with him and let him crawl around in the tunnels and we went on many slides we even went in the sand box.

I was sitting there drawing our names in the box and then Elijah just decides to put sand in his mouth.I hurried up and brushed it off his little tongue and I wiped his hands.I picked him up and he started crying.

I put him in the car and went home with him.I walked in the door and it was pitch black.I turned on my flash light and put Elijah in his swings and then my phone died glad he was sleep.I hurried something growling and I knew that was Fortune cause his eyes glow in the dark which is weird.

Somebody hands went around my waist and instantly knew it was Chris cause he the only one that look like a highlighter in the dark sike nah.Its all them tattoos.

He kissed me cheek and the lights came on.

Me"goodbye Chris"

Chris"come on its 12:00 in the afternoon"

Me"yea and I only have 6 hours to sleep"

I said going up stairs and getting the bed I heard him stomp his foot and throw something and I just ignored he may be a big baby but you gotta love him

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