Shortly after sun fall, Cassie and Sarah met up in front of the house with the six others who dared to spend a night in the house. As another girl from the group produced a lock pick from her bag and walked up to the front door, the rest of the group followed, Cassie being the last in the pack.
Cassie shifted her weight nervously as the girl picked the lock. Sarah must have seen her uneasiness, because she gave her a reassuring smile. We're not going to get caught, she kept reminding herself. As the door was opened, Cassie took off her backpack and grabbed her camera. She'd been saving up money for 2 years to buy this camera and special lens. She turned on flash and walked through the door. They entered the first room, which appeared to be a sitting room. Cassie took a quick picture, the light from the flash illuminating the room. She moved on to another room, this one a kitchen.
"Cool, isn't it?," Sarah said from behind her. "It's amazing," Cassie said. "I wonder how it's in such great condition. I mean, if realtors are still trying to sell the house, they would need it to be clean and well kept, but it almost looks like someone lives here." Cassie continued to rapidly talk about the state of the house, whilst taking photos and exploring other rooms. She was enjoying the experience much more than she thought she would. She circled back around to the sitting room and brought out her flashlight to more closely examine it. There was a disturbing mural underneath the wall paper, or so she had heard. She walked around, taking photos of historic and well known details of the house.
"Hey, Cass! The group is going to the next floor and I don't want to leave you behind," Sarah called out. Cassie ran to find her and began to go up the steps.

A Night in Murder House//discontinued
Mystery / ThrillerCassie's best friend has convinced her to accompany her, along with other students drone their school, to spend a night in the murder house It has been six years since the Harmon family died in their home. It has been vacant since. Occasionally, lo...