Chapter 9: How Nanya stole my el'doraw...

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When I woke up the following day, I was still in my Inner Mind. I had no idea for how long I slept, but my magic energy returned to its normal values, and I felt alive and well. One thing was different about today. I was hugging a warm pillow with a marshmallow feel to it. Confused and curious at the same time, I gently groped the pleasant cushions and realized they held a nostalgic sensation.

Where did I feel this before? I asked myself.

Ah! That's right, Alina... Whenever we behaved like horny rabbits, I always insisted on burrowing my face in her delicious mountains. They were soft and felt just like these ones. Huh?

Blinking surprised, I lifted my head off the soft cushions and looked up at the owner. The pretty el'doraw looked at me with a frown and pink blush on her cheeks. Yup! That confirmed it! The one I groped in my sleep was none other than my cute slave! In a way, I felt happy, but the palm that sent me flying towards the depths of the darkness in my Inner Mind didn't feel so cozy. Maybe I deserved that?

With a long sigh, I returned to her side.

That was mean! Why did you do that? I asked.

The only reply I got from her was a silent 'Hmph!'. Afterwards, she avoided my eyes and crossed her hands at her chest.

Just as a precaution, I took a peek outside of my Inner Mind and returned to the real world. The bed was empty, meaning Nanya was gone. The birds were chirping outside, and I could see the results of my battle: a scorched up forest.

I returned to my cute el'doraw slave.

So, where was I? Oh, yes! I was about to measure your three sizes! I said with a perverted grin.

She glared at me and clenched her fist.

I joke! I joke! I said quickly as I flew back one step before I received the next knuckle sandwich.

Letting out a sigh, I opened the Health Stats window again.

Alright, I'm going to remove those burns, scars, and repair your organs if my Magic Energy allows me to. I told her with a bored tone of voice.

With a puzzled look, she watched me as I stared at the holographic screen in front of me.

Let's see... What's left? I asked myself.

[Health stats for Shanteya Dowesyl]

[Fractures: 3] Heal? Y/N

[Punctured organs: 2] Heal? Y/N

[Open wounds: 12] Heal? Y/N

[Scars: 34] Heal? Y/N

[Burns: 2] Heal? Y/N

[Missing organs: 3] Heal? Y/N

I started with [Fractures]. It cost me 150 Magic Energy Points. A lot less when compared with the others. The same was with [Punctured organs], [Open wounds], [Scars], and [Burns]. It added up to a total of 840 Magic Energy Points for a Full Heal. All that was left were the [Missing organs]. Each organ would cost me 500 Magic Energy Points, leading up to a total of 1500, but when I added the other heals, the consumption of my Magic Energy reached 2490 Points, nearly half of my total pool. As a result, I began to feel slightly sluggish. Thus, I could only deduce that my fatigue was attributed to the rapid use of Magic Energy rather than its depletion. If I remembered right, when I first opened my eyes in this world, I had around 600 Magic Energy Points in total.

Thinking about it, if I chose something like the Normal or Heroic race, I might have never been able to subdue the assassins last night. Maybe Shanteya would have been killed by Tuberculus or one of the other teachers there. Maybe I would have ended up destroyed by only one of those assassins.

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