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For your neighbours, lend a hand
Show them that you understand
They have rights we must protect
Show them kindness and respect
For your neighbours try to care
When they're troubled, help repair
Lend an ear and listen too
If they're worried, help them through
For your neighbours give a smile
Spend time with them for a while
Look after your neighbour's needs
And ALLAH will reward your deeds.
PC- @FearlessMuslimah

Neighbours really play a vital role in our lives. They help us in each and every situation. We should try our best to give our best to our neighbours.

Neighbour's rights:

Islam pays attention to the issue of neighbours, whether they are Muslim or not, because of the interests served by that in making the nation like one body.

Among the rights of one neighbour over another as affirmed by Islam are the initiation of greetings, visiting him if he is sick, offering condolences if calamity befalls him, congratulating him at times of joy, overlooking his mistakes, concealing his faults, bearing his annoyance with patience, giving him gifts, lending him money if he needs it, lowering one's gaze from looking at his womenfolk, and guiding him to that which will benefit him in his religious and worldly affairs. 

Concerning neighbours' rights, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

"Serve Allah and do not commit shirk (associate any partner with him), and be good to your parents, relatives, orphans, the helpless, near and far neighbours who keep company with you, the travellers in need, and the slaves you own."
                        [Surah Al Nisa 4:36]

Asalamualaikum!  How are you'll?  I hope all are doing great ♥
I published my poem yesterday.. I hope you guys like it.. you can check my poem in my works.
Take care.. Love you'll ♥

      ♡♥ TRUST IN ALLAH ♥♡

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