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It's time to talk about depression, healing, and how we cope with pain. Please reflect.

I have observed two extreme trends in response to hardship and pain. On the one hand there are those who hyper-focus on the wound. Until it defines them and keeps them feeling victimized and paralyzed. A traumatic past or painful experience is used by shaytan to keep the person chained. This is done by making the pain a focal point, thus growing and exaggerating it. Soon that pain surrounds and overwhelms, leaving the victim with a sense of learned helplessness.

On the other extreme, are those who advocate for "being strong" by numbing and suppressing pain. This is like a person who has a deep gash or gunshot wound, and just covers it up with a Band-Aid, without cleaning it out. Then they think the Band-Aid will make it go away. It won't. It will get infected. And no. Time alone, does not heal all wounds, if they are not cleaned out first. If they are not dealt with, and dealt with properly. Emotionally and spiritually, this means honesty and truthfulness with oneself, and with God. It means taking off the mask. Having the courage to face the pain without fear of being vulnerable. Without fear of admitting need. Without fear of asking for help.

You see, there is a profound and significant difference between being broken, and *breaking to Allah*. One is used by shaytan to keep us chained. The other is used by Allah to make us strong and resilient, as is the divine design of the human heart. Few things in this world are as resilient as the *healthy* human heart.

There is a profound and significant difference between these two.

And until we understand that difference, we will continue to wander from one extreme to the other, and healing will continue to get lost along the way.
-Yasmin Mogahed

Sometimes God allows people to hurt you, so that you know next time to run only to Him. So often it is the hardship in our lives caused by others that allows us to discover the true source of eternal peace.

"It is You alone we worship, and from You alone that we seek help." (Quran 1:5)
-Omar Suleiman


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