chapter 1: Remembering

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Liams POV

It had been a long day and tonight's show was longer than I had expected it to be, it was an amazing show but I was ready to get back to the hotel and crawl into bed with Jaylin. To hold her close and fall into a well needed sleep. It's crazy to think that in just a years time she has become everything to me and changed my life for the best. We've only been dating four months but have been friends for a year and I still remember the day I first laid eyes on her as if it were yesterday. As I cleaned up and called a cab my mind flash backed to that summer day. She was standing outside of a photo gallery her green eyes looking around searching for help. She just happened to stop Harry to ask directions to her hotel. Her voice was timid and her green eyes were framed by breast length chestnut hair that fell into ywavy ringlets,that made her light complexion warm. She met my eyes for a split second and smiled while her cheeks grew a shade of pink. Harry then grabbed her hand and led her away. That was the day I saw the girl who would change my life forever.

Jaylin's POV

Liam had texted me at nine telling me he was only on the second set list for the show, meaning he wouldn't be home until midnight at the latest. I can't tell you how lucky I am to call him mine, he is by far the greatest man I have ever met and he has changed my life more than he will ever know. In just a years time he has become like home to me. I began to clean our hotel room and get ready for bed by starting a warm bath and making some tea. By the time the bath was full of warm water, the hotel room was spotless and the tea was done. I grabbed a cup and settled into the water which burned a little but not enough to hurt. while I relaxed, my mind wandered back to when I first saw Liam.

I had been visiting London with my photography class when I decided to go out on my own for the day. It seemed like a great idea at first until I got lost. I walked out of the photo gallery I had been in and looked around for someone who could help. As I frantically looked around I caught a group of five boys walking my way, I immediately stopped one of the boys to ask for help. That was the day I met one direction and the man who change my life forever. He stood shyly behind Harry his brown eyes were accented by his tan skin and golden brown hair. I met his eyes for a short second and smiled while my blood rushed to my cheeks. He smiled back his dimples making me blush even more before Harry led me away from the group.

A small smile tugged on my lips as I remembered it all. Shaking away the memory I climbed out of the now lukewarm water to get ready for bed. I quickly threw my hair into a bun and threw on some pj pants and a tank top. I left Liam's bedside table light on and climbed into the queen sized bed and snuggled in beneath the white blankets and sheets. I wasn't used to sleeping without Liam's presence but I was exhausted and before I knew it I was asleep.

I woke to the sound of a soft click as Liam closed the door softly. I waited patiently listening to Liam change his pants for pj bottoms and throw his shirt on the floor. He gently crawled in next to me and I turned to face him. In the dark I could see his eyes searching for mine so I reached up and caressed his cheek and whispered " I missed you" I saw a smile touch his lips as his strong arms brought me towards his warm bare chest. His lips met mine briefly "I missed you too babe" I smiled and kissed his jaw once and his lips again softly before falling into a disturbed rest.

--------AUTHORS NOTE--------

Well hello darlings :) This is my first fanfic so please don't be afraid to give me any advice and I would love to hear thoughts as well! Also I try to update often and sometimes I can't, so please bear with me, I'll let you know When I will update next. Thanks darlings and please encourage your friends to read too!!

- lily xx

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