chapter 2: fourth grade

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Stiles' POV:
        "I just think we're meant to be!" I said to Scott. "How?" he asked. "We're both going up to senior AP math class! Together! Just us." I said with a raised eyebrow to Scott. "Yeah, because you knew she was going to the AP class, so you studied for two nights with no sleep just to be in a class you won't understand." Scott said. I scoffed. "Pfft, no haha- god damn it. You're right. How am I gonna do anything in that class?" I put my face in my heads. "Just drop out. Besides, she has a boyfriend, Stiles. And he can beat you up. Hard. You should probably move on, since I don't think she's gonna forgive you from the fourth grade." he said. "Oh god, I forgot about that!" The fourth goddamn grade was why she hated me so much.

-next day (Saturday)

Lydia's POV:

Lydia: stiles freaking stilinksi is in my class! What am I supposed 2 do?

Ashley: how was the first class?

Lydia: awkward. We barely spoke but we walked in the hall together NOT TALKING.

Ashley: aww that sucks. do u still hate him from 4th grade?

Lydia: of course

Ashley: maybe you could forgive him?

Lydia: nope never

Ashley: sorry lyds I gtg bye

Lydia: bye

     I was screaming in my head. Why was Stiles in my class? I would never forgive him from the fourth grade never, ever. I needed to get my mind off him. Ew, that sounds like I like him! I'll just go shopping. I brought my phone back to my face and texted Kira.

Lydia: hey, wanna go to the mall?

Kira: sure

Kira: what about malia?

Lydia: I'm kinda pissed at her currently

Kira: ??

Lydia: I'll explain later

Kira: uh ok

Lydia: meet me at food court in 10

Kira: ok

I drove to the mall and walked to the food court seeing Kira at a table, on her phone. I slightly jogged over. "Hey!" I tapped the table, getting her attention, as I sat in the chair across from her. She was sipping a frappe and I pointed to a drink right next to it. "What's this?" I asked. "A venti iced chai latte for the best only." She smirked and pushed it toward me. I smiled. "You know me too well. C'mon, let's go!" I pulled her arm.

"Hey, you said you were pissed at Malia?" Kira said to me, as we were walking. I groaned. "Oh yeah. I was trying to help Malia by tutoring her in math and economics. I was trying to be a friend and help her get into senior to be with Stiles." I looked at Kira and did a fake gagging motion. Kira knew my hatred for Stiles. Malia was practically crazy about Stiles and called him her boyfriend even though they weren't actually dating. She nodded. Not that I wanted him for myself, or anything. "So I was helping her, and she randomly interrupted me and said "Why are you with my boyfriend?" and I looked at her and said "What?" And she said she saw us together in the hallway. I explained to her we were walking to AP math and she didn't believe me, because she knew he wasn't going to be in AP math. Plus, I told her Stiles isn't her boyfriend, but she kept protesting." Kira nodded, listening to everything. That's what I loved about her. She was a good listener.

She nodded. "Uh, try-" she looked down at her phone because she got a text. "Oh my god. It's Scott. He's in the hospital. He got in an accident!" She looked so worried so we ran to my car and drove to the hospital as fast as possible. I knew Scott. Well, he was Kira's boyfriend obviously, and Stiles' best friend. I made out with him once, but I've changed and don't really do that anymore. I looked to my right and felt so bad. Kira was wiping tears away. She must be so worried. She loved him so much. I patted her shoulder and she looked up at me and gave me a sad smile. "Sorry," she said. "It's okay." I smiled her back.

We got to the hospital and rushed in. I went to the front desk. "Hi, we're here for Scott McCall? We need his room." The lady looked at me like I was stupid. "Sorry, but we're not allowed to give away room numbers of patients to people who aren't family." I scoffed. "Please, I-" "Lydia! Kira!" I heard a voice. I turned around to see Mrs. McCall. "They're with me." she said to the lady at the desk. We went with her. "He got in a car accident with Stiles, but somehow, Stiles was fine." We ran over to his room. We walked in and I almost cringed. Stiles was there.

Stiles' POV:

Shit! What was Lydia doing here? Oh, she was Kira's friend. It was the most awkward thing. It was a good thing Scott was unconscious, 'cause we were all standing there like a bunch of idiots.

"Is he okay?" Kira said, with concern at the edge of her voice. "Uh, yeah. He has a concussion and a bad shoulder, nothing serious." I informed her. I glanced at Lydia, only to find her glaring at me. I gave her a look that said What? She gave me a look that said, Nothing, I just hate you, with an added eye roll.

Jesus, Lydia needed to lighten up more. The fourth grade was an accident. "Sorry, if I may ask, why do you guys hate each other?" Kira said, obviously noticing our glare war. Lydia turned her head to Kira and then back to me. "Well," she said as she cocked her head like a dog, "the fourth grade, if you wanna start there." I groaned. Kira was confused. "What happened in fourth grade?" I was about to say something, "Well, me and Lydia-" until Lydia butted in, saying, "Lydia and I. Wrong grammar, Stiles. Anyways," she said with another piercing eye roll, "Stiles practically tortured me because I said no to being his date to the fourth grade fall dance." "What did he do?" Kira asked. I looked down. This was not gonna be good. "First, he spilled grape juice on the white dress I got for my 10th birthday, and he put his boogers on my sandwich, and said embarrassing thing like that I farted, when I actually didn't." Kira was nodding her head. "Oh." she said, thinking. I looked up, Lydia glaring at me. "And many more things, that I can't even say." I rolled my eyes.

"Is there a reason you said no?" Kira questioned to Lydia. She turned to her and said "See, I would've said yes, but I had family over on the night of the dance, so I couldn't make it. Yet, Stiles still couldn't understand the fact that I wanted to go with him, but then again, he was just a bratty little fourth grader." Then she turned to me. "Not only did I want to go to the dance with him, I had a crush on him, but that's not relevant now, because I have Jackson." My mouth dropped. Lydia Martin had a crush on me?

Lydia's POV:

"What?" I said with a cocky smirk. "Y-you had a crush on me?" Stiles said, awestruck. "Yeah, but not anymore, obviously." Stiles was spitting out syllables on his tongue. "Wha? But, pla-" I put my hand out. "Please stop, you sound like a dying seal." He stopped immediately. "Didn't you like me too?" I asked him. "Uh, well, I-" i scoffed. "Stiles, if you didn't like me, you wouldn't have asked me to the dance. I'm not stupid." Stiles looked down. "Yeah." He said. "But I'm done with you." I said. "I have to go to the bathroom, Kira do you mind coming with me?" Kira looked up from Scott, looking like she zoned back in. "Oh, yeah." She followed me out the door.

We walked to not the bathroom, but in the hall with chairs. "I don't know what to do." I rubbed my temple. Kira looked confused. "About what?" I looked up at her. "Kira, I still like Stiles."

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