chapter 4: questions

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A/N This is dedicated to my good internet friend from Australia, thedreamer24 , she is so amazing, and supportive. She lives in Australia and I live in the USA, and time differences IS A STRUGGLE but we still manage to text each other, and help each other with story ideas, and talk about random stuff😂 but seriously, she's the most amazing person ever, we have a lot in common. GO CHECK OUT HER STYDIA FANFIC CALLED INSOMNIA (and I made the cover) 😏😏 BUT ITS AMAZING YOU SHOULD CHECK IT OUT I LOVE THIS GIRL SO FREAKING MUCH YAYYYYY

Lydia's POV:

I was walking in the hallway, trying to not look like I wasn't just crying. I was walking with Kira, and talking to her about the bio quiz coming up. Suddenly, I felt a yank on my hair behind me. I shrieked in pain and bent over backwards. "What the hell?" I looked up to see Malia's scowling face. "Malia?" I whispered. "Yeah, it's me Lydia. Now what the hell were you doing with my man?" I scoffed. "What? Stiles? I don't want anything with your fake boyfriend!" Malia got even more mad, and she punched me in the jaw. I flew to the ground and Kira raised me up. "Malia, stop it!" Kira shouted. "No, I'm not done with this bitch." I touched where she punched me, and there was most likely a cut, because it was stinging like hell. I looked at my finger, which had blood on it. I could barely stand and was falling down, and Malia was about to kick me in the gut when someone shouted. I was on the verge of unconsciousness. It was too late. Malia kicked me in the gut multiple times. I felt her stop, but I blacked out after that.

Stiles' POV:

"Malia, STOP!" She was kicking Lydia in the gut, and Lydia looked dead on the ground. I pushed through the group of people watching. "Stop it!" I yelled at her. I pushed her to the ground. She looked up at me, shocked. "And for the last time, I'm not your boyfriend and I don't love you!" I picked up Lydia's limp body and Scott and Kira followed me to the nurse. We got there and the nurse helped us lay her on a bed. "We need a hospital. So, she was kicked multiple times in the abdomen?" the nu I nodded. "Oh, that could have caused internal bleeding, most likely. Can you call the hospital?" Scott got his phone and called his mom to send an ambulance.

"Who did this?" The nurse asked. "Malia Tate." I said with hatred in my voice. "Do you know the reason?" she asked. I sighed. Oh god. "Um, she kinda likes me, like a lot. But I don't exactly like her back, and she thinks Lydia and I had a thing, so she got jealous." The nurse chuckled a little. "Gosh, kids these days. I'll make sure she's sent to the office."

The nurse lifted Lydia's shirt and saw bleeding cuts and marks from the kicks. The cut on her jaw was bleeding and the blood led down her neck.

The nurse left to do something, and I was just looking at her. Her perfect skin, with her beautiful strawberry blonde locks. He red lips against her pale complexion. She looked so perfect, even if she was hurt.

Then, Lydia's mom came in the room. "Oh my god! Lydia! Oh my god!" She kneeled by the bed Lydia was laying on. She started crying and I felt sorry for her mom.

Suddenly, the door burst open and some people came in to take her to the hospital. "Can I go?" I asked. "Sorry kid, you should probably stay in school." one of the men said. I sighed, and bit on the skin around my thumb, a habit I do when I'm nervous or frustrated.

Scott and Kira came behind me. "Stiles, she'll be okay." Scott assured me. "If you wanna check on her, I can give you her number, but she's probably not gonna answer for a while, obviously." Kira spoke up. I looked at her. "Could I?" I asked. Kira nodded and I gave her my phone, and she put Lydia's cell in it. "I'll tell her I gave you her number, so she doesn't think you're stalking her." she nervously giggled. "Yeah, thanks."

Lydia's POV:

What the? Where was I? I was so light headed and dizzy, I felt like I was gonna fall off whatever I was laying on. My eyes opened completely. I was in a hospital, I knew that. My mom was at the side of the bed. So was Kira, Scott, and ... Stiles? What the hell was he doing here? "What happened?" I asked with a whisper voice. "Malia, kicked you?" Kira spoke up. "You were unconscious, so now you're here."
"How did she stop?" I asked.
"Uh, actually, Stiles pushed Malia away! And he carried you to the nurse." I looked at Stiles who was looking right at me, and blushed and looked happy but worried at the same time. "Oh, thank you." I said.
"Um, you're welcome."
I went to the nightstand next to me to get my phone, and I turned it on. My eyes widened. 23 missed calls? They were all from an unknown number. "Um, who's 916-211-6291? Because they've called me 23 times." I looked up to see Scott and Kira looking directly at Stiles and Stiles was looking at his feet.
"Uh, that would be me." he nervously chuckled.
"Oh, how did you get my number?" I asked.
"Kira, um, gave it to me." he responded.
I glared at Kira for a split second and went back to him sweetly, saying, "Alright, but um, if I don't send back the first three calls, just don't send more. Okay?" Stiles blushed with embarrassment. "O-okay." He stuttered.

Scott and Stiles left the room. Kira walked over and I glared at her. "Why would you give Stiles Stilinksi my number?" I growled at her. "Well, yesterday, he wanted to go with you to the hospital, and he seemed worried. So, I gave him your number to call you to check on you. Also, y'know, so he could chat with you." she said with a smirk. "Oh my god, Kira!" I yelled at her. She laughed and said "What? You like him! Why is that bad?" I sighed at her. "He doesn't know I like him, plus he still thinks I'm dating Jackson." I said. "Oh." Kira grew silent. "Still, if you like him, you might as well go for it!" she continued. "Ugh," I threw the pillow onto my face. "Maybe, I should ask him out?" I said underneath the pillow. "What was that?" Kira spoke. "Nothing," I mumbled. Kira sighed. "It didn't sound like nothing," the brown eyed girl said. I put the pillow away from my face. "Okay, I said that maybe I could ask him out." I said in a dreaded tone. Kira gasped excitedly like a child. "Lydia! If you ask him out, we could go on a double date!" Kira clapped her hands excitedly. "Yay! It should be on a Saturday, at 6:00, and we'll get sushi! Or pizza! And watch a movie! Or we could-" "Kira! You need to calm down, I haven't even asked him yet." Kira's smiling face fell, but then rose again. "Oh yeah, but that's easy. He's gonna say yes for sure!" She assured me.

He better say yes.

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