Chapter 3: Spain/Judge's House

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Liam: Before flying to Spain, I had to spend a little time with the guys. We had been thinking of names for the band for hours and now we were taking a break. We were going around, sayinghings we didn't tell most people. I decided to start, "I was born dead."

After me Niall confessed his love for Justin Beiber. After him Louis screamed, "I LOVE CARROTS!" The he told us about how his parents were divorced and he had to leave his sisters with his mom.

"I'm really bad at not cheating at games," Harry said.

"Yeah because playing Monopoly the right way is just too hard," Louis teased.

**"I'm married," Zayn said. His was probably the biggest secret. Turns out he had gotten married the day before and he wasn't telling anyone. His wife was pretty good looking. My mind passed to Hanna. I smiled, reminding myself I was owed a date.


Hanna: Spain was warm. I had packed alot of tank tops and sundresses. I was put in a room with another girl, Cher Lloyd. This chick was a good singer, and the same age as me. She was also funny. Everyone was talking about her though. I mean how could you not. She had totally rocked it at  auditions. But you can only stand so much of it. I snuck out of the room around six to "go sight seeing" aka go see who wasn't talking about "The Amazing Cher." 

The first person I met was the first person I wanted to see. Funny how things work out. Liam was standing in the sun, eyes closed, leaning against the wall. "Hey," he said when he saw me, "I believe you owe me something."

"Oh?" I asked, playing hard to get.

"Yep. You owe me," he pulled the fedora I had off my head, "A date."

"And you owe me my hat back," I muttered. He laughed. 

"Fine," he said, handing me my hat back, "We'll call it a trade."

"Oh," I said, "I thought the trade was me getting in on my own and you needing to be put in a group to not be let go."

Liam winced a little at my words, "That," he said, "Was not a trade at all. And uncalled for."

"Always do my best work in the sun," I said, bowing. Liam laughed. 

"And I always do my best work in front of a mic. So what do you say Raymond. There's a Karaoke place down the street. What do you say to a little vocal battle?"

"Your on," I said, giving him my best cocky look I had. 


Liam:    We reached the Karaoke place only to find we weren't the only ones with the idea to warm up our voices so to speak. At the moment a fellow named Matt Cardle was up at the mic, singing his heart our to some song from the eighties. When he got off the mic the DJ grabbed it from him, "Yo who out there is the next on the mic?" Hanna's hand shot into the air like a bullet. She wasn't the only one. But yet the DJ's eyes landed on her. "How about this pretty young lady right here," he said, pointing to her. Hanna pointed to herself as if asking if he meant her. "Yeah you. Let's do dis," he said. Hanna smiled and bounced onto the stage. He asked her what song. She whispered a song back. The intro to California Love  by 2Pac started. "California love," Hanna sang. I smiled. She went through the intro before the rap started, "Let me welcome everybody to the wild wild west. A state that's untouchable like Elliot Ness."  I had to admit, she was really good. I mean she was really good at rapping Dre. "The track hits your eardrums like a slug to you chest."  I found myself jealous. Who knew a girl like her could be such a good singer. The answer: Not me. She was amazing. She knew all the words to the rap like it was a second nature. It probably is I realized. I smiled. Later in the song I looked up, everyone was bouncing and singing. "I've been in the game for 10 years making rap tunes. Ever since honey was wearing sasoon."  I smiled. "California knows how to party. California knows how to party. In the citaaay city of  LA. In the citaaay city of good ol' Watts. In the citaaay city of Compton. We keep it rockin. We keep it rockin."   I smiled as people were watching her perform as though she had been performing professionally all her life. She looked professional. Definatly. She was going to win this. 


Hanna:      After that night I started practicing my song. I listened to it on my IPod over and over, practicing the song as though it was some kind of magical incantation that would someday spare my life. My song was No Air by Jordin Sparks. The song was very, I guess it was perfect. I loved it. So I worked for hours at a time on perfecting it. In between the times I was practicing I was spending time with Liam. Something about him made him a great friend. Cher teased me for it. Maybe I was friendzoning him but I wasn't going to keep my career from getting put off. I let myself have fun with him. He was funny, yet he knew how to be serious. I found he was good to have around. 


I was standing just inside some glass doors, watching One Direction perform their song. They had settled on Torn by Natalie Imbrugalia. They were doing good, although I did find them a little pitchy for my taste. They came in all smiled and screaming. "WE DID IT!" Louis screamed. Liam walked over to me.

"We did it!" he said, smiling, "And good luck."

"Thanks," I said. I held my microphone, nearly white knuckling it before I walked up to the pool side. I let myself sing. "Tell me how I'm supposed to breath with no air,"  I sang, "If I should die before I wake. It's cause you took my breath away. Losing you is like living in a world with no air." My confidence boosted. I let myself kind of get lost a little in the song. Finally it was time for the judging. 

"Hanna, I don't really know what to say," Cheryl said. I bit my lip, "Your notes were strong, you seemed like you knew what you were doing. I loved it." I smiled. 

"I thought you seemed a little pitchy in places. But as a whole your voice had a perfected ring to it," Louis said.

"I've seen this singer. She walked up there and was automatically a little sugary. She was sweet and a little over the top. And you nailed that voice. You seemed like you were able to sing this with all the perfection she did. It didn't seem like yours though. So I'm going to say for next time, let yourself make it your own. You don't have to be the singer to make it perfect," Simon said. I smiled. Then I realized something.

"Next time?"

"Well you didn't honestly think we were going to let you go did you?" Cheryl asked. I smiled and started bouncing. 

"Thank you so much!" I said. Then I dashed inside. I was moving into the contestants house. 

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