Chapter 23

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"Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday my Harry. Happy birthday to you," the perfectly pitched voice sang slowly. "Wake up, beautiful."

I heard a plate being placed on the nightstand next to me, still confused to what was going on.

My birthday? My birthday.. It's today! Everything has been so crazy, I didn't even remember my own birthday! I mentally face palm myself. What did he bring me..? Wait. How did he know? I smirk, ready to mess with his head.

Niall nuzzles his nose against my cheek as I feel his breath hover over my lips. I keep my face planted on the pillow. "Baby, wake up," he whispers.

"Niall," I groaned. "It's not my birthday."

"What? Yes it is! I-I called your mum w-when you weren't around and she said it was this date. F-February first. That's today right? Y-yes it is today! Fuck. Oh my God I'm so emba-"

I cut him off with my lips. I smirked into the kiss when I felt how tense he was, slowly calming down his trembling while he kisses me back.

"I'm just playing with you, Niall," I whisper, brushing my nose against his, giving him an Eskimo kiss. I hold onto the back of his head with both my hands, leaning my forehead against his.

"That wasn't funny. You scared the hell out of me," he breathed heavily.

I chuckle, smelling something sweet lingering to my nose. "What did you do?"

I see him smile widely, holding my wrists in his hands. He bites down on his bottom lip with his teeth. "I brought you something." He reaches over and grabs the plate.

A cupcake with a single candle.


"What? Oh c'mon, Harry. It's a cupcake. I'm sure you can except my small gift. There's more to come my dear." He winks.

I take the cupcake and take a bite. Oh this was so good! "More? As in more presents?"

"Yes. More presents. And don't even try, Styles. I'm not telling you what they are!" He says with a mischievous grin. "Now hurry up and get dressed. I'm taking you somewhere."

"Where?" I ask boldly.

He shakes his head and zips his lips, smirking happily.

I look down. I'm naked. Oh my God.. What happened last night? I didn't.. No. Not while I was drunk? Shit! I turn my face serious, making my lips into a straight line as I put the cupcake down.

"What's wrong? You don't like the cupcake?" Niall asks me.

"No, it's not that. It's delicious really. Niall.. What," my voice cracks. I clear my throat and try again. "What happened last night?"

"Well. You were very, very drunk. We went back to the hotel and you became quite... Bold? Anyways, you told me to fuck you. And bite you. And.. Yeah," Niall says with a small blush.

I buried my face into my hands, mentally cursing to myself. How could I? I know I was drunk, but I can't believe I said that! I'm so humiliated right now. I lost my virginity while I was drunk! I was saving myself for so long and I did this. Of course I wouldn't mind if Niall took me, but I wanted to atleast remember it for God's sacks!

"Harry. Harry, look at me," Niall said sternly.

I look up, feeling my tears roll down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey. No tears on your birthday. We didn't have sex. I told you I couldn't take your virginty while you were drunk. I want to make love, Harry. With you. The right way." He leans down close to me. "The rough way."

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