Chapter 43

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What did I do to deserve this? Okay so I haven't been the perfect person everyone seeks to be, but who actually is? No one. Defiantly not, so why am I being punished? Did he really have to come and "surprise" me? And at my own wedding? Harry is absolutely mad if he thinks I'm going to forgive him for what he did to me and my mum. He's lucky I didn't rip him limb from limb. The rage fuming inside me when I saw him was burning my body up to the core. The itch in my throat just won't go away. No matter how many times I try to clear it.

I tap my fingertips on the ledge of the window and wait for the limo to finally stop. I try to watch the moon gleam, but it was hiding behind clouds. Wish I could run and hide, but I have Harry to worry about now. And there was no way I was leaving him at any point.

I wonder what he dreams about. I wonder if he still gets those nightmares he wakes up screaming from. Most nights, I watch him sleep. I make out every single detail for his perfectly structured face that way without being creepy. His long, thin eyelashes; his bottom lip being fuller than the top; his low snores he makes when he's sound asleep. Sometimes he would crease his forehead and fidget in my arms, but comes back to me in an instant. I always joke to him about him only wanting me for my warmth I give him, and he always denies it jokingly, but it's nice to be able to tease him with harmless banter. I like to make him blush.

The limo makes a slow stop, enough to snap me out of my thoughts, and opens the door for me. I nod him a thank you silently and come around to get Harry for myself. His body is leaned against the door and I huff in frustration.

If I open it, he'll fall right out and onto the ground. That sure was not about to happen. If I open it slowly enough and hook my arms out quick enough, he'll fall right into my arms where he belongs. The door squeaks open and not a flutter of his eyes appear. I open it up in concentration and see his body lean over on it's side. I smile and hold him as he envelops my cradle. I kiss the top of his head as I hear his uninterrupted breathing.

The pilot of the jet bobs his head in welcome and I return it, stepping inside steadily with my husband nuzzled into my chest. I set him down into a seat and look for a blanket in the glove compartment. I drape it over him and wrap it around his long legs, tucking it under his feet. I take a seat next to him and grab his warm hand. My chest rises up and down and I come into realization;

I'm married.

I curl up into a ball and find myself to be quite comfortable. Well, the much I could be. My phone vibrates loudly against my jean pocket and I groan as I whip it out.

"Hello?" I gruffly answer. I was tired. Very tired. And I wanted to sleep now.

"Congratulations, if I haven't said that yet."

"You have, mum. A lot. But again, thank you, if I haven't said that yet," I reply, wiping my eyes to stay awake for her.

"You have. Niall, dear, we need to talk. It's about your dad and I just need you to listen to me, okay? Just listen." I can hear her voice tremble and that makes me upset. Guilty, but upset. She knows I hate it when she sounds like she's about to burst out crying.

"Go ahead," is all I could say.

Truth be told, I was really tired. Not just the "yawn, off to bed." type, the "I don't know what to do anymore." type. I didn't want to fight anymore. Not with anyone. I've had enough of that when I was young. Before Harry came along, I was a mess no one ever wanted to clean. Even with him, I was a cold nobody wanted to catch. But Harry took me in and accepted me for who I am, despite how worthless I felt.

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