Chapter 37

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(I reached 100,000+ like my dream was. This.. Is for you guys.)

Niall ~

*two weeks of physical therapy later*

"Are you ready?" I ask Harry, who's lying down on the bed with his eyes barley open.

"Do I have to?" He whines in a high pitched voice.

"If you want to get married, yes."

"You're going to hold that against me, aren't you?" Harry asks, opening his eyes wider.

"Yes," I answer rebelliously.

He groans. "Fine."

"It's not that bad, angel. For what it's worth in the end, it's not that bad. And look at you, Harry. Your hands are already partially moving!"

"What about my legs? They are being difficult," he grunts.

"It takes time, Harry. You're getting there," I assure.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right. You're going to stay with me again, right? You won't leave?"

"I don't plan to. Now let me help you up, so we can go." I grab him bridal style, and he kisses me. It got intense quickly, so I pulled back. "Harry. Don't do that," I growled. "I can't control myself."

He looked like he was about to cry, which broke me. "It's so hard, Niall. Not making love to you like I want to. I mean.. We can sill make love, but with me like this.. That'd be just weird."

I sigh, forgetting about that problem. "We just wait. I can still kiss you whenever I want to. I can still hold you, whether you feel all of it or not. Just don't worry about it, love. I'd wait for you forever," I say, holding him close.

"I hate myself," he cried.

"Don't say that. I'm here for you. And I love you. Don't ever think differently," I correct him.

"Can we just go? I want to get better. Now."

I nod. It will get better, Harry. I promise.


"Niall, it hurts! Make it stop!"

"Just keep holding my hand, Harry. It's almost over."

The physical therapist continues to apply pressure to Harry's legs with weights, giving me apologetic glances. I twitch my cheek up and shrug, telling him it's okay. Harry grasps my hand tighter with every weight piled on his skinny legs. He groans loudly, digging his sharp nails into my flesh. I take it though, I know how hard it must be for him.

"We're done with this section. Shall we go to the main room?" The man asks.

"I don't like it there," Harry grumbles.

"It's going to strengthen everything, Mr. Styles. Bare with me."

I wrap Harry's arms around my shoulder and still hold back the tears as I watch him take baby steps forward.

He's been working so hard and it made me so emotional. Ours shoes tap against the glass floor.

"You know the drill, Harry," the man says.

Harry and I walk toward the two thin poles placed horizontally. They stand at Harry's waist and stretch down a while aisle. It helps him walk, helps his arms, and grow back the power in his hands.

I slowly let go of Harry and let him grip the poles. I hate seeing him struggle, but I knew I had to resist helping him. The dark green veins in his hands pop out when he began to take baby steps. His eyes narrowed at his feet while his forehead creased with concentration.

"Make your knees higher," the man ordered.

"I can't," Harry growled.

"You can."

"No, I can't."

"You can!" He shouted.

Harry glared down and took bigger steps, his arms wobbling to hold the weight of himself. The veins in his neck were visible. When he was close to the end of the aisle, I ran down and waited for him. He looked up at me and smiled, his eyes shining.

"Come here, baby," I mouthed.

He blushed and walked to me slowly. His muscles bulged out, his curls messy.

I held out my arms. He filled the gap and snuggled his head on my chest.

"We did it," he breathed.

"You did it, Harry," I say, barley above a whisper.

"Very well done, Mr. Styles. You're really progressing over these two weeks. Good job," the man says with a toothy grin.

"Thank you. How much longer do I need this treatment?" Harry asks.

"No longer. It's crazy. I checked your charts and your body just magically.. Fixed itself. The therapy helped of course, but it's like you did it all on your own. It's a miracle, Mr. Styles," he says, waving us a goodbye.

"Did you hear that Niall? I'm a miracle." Harry's eyes glisten.

"I heard him. It's true. You are. I told you we'd be okay," I say, taking his hand. It felt amazing that he was able to squeeze back. It's all worth it.



"Does this mean we can get married?"

"We were going to anyways," I chuckle.

"You know what I mean, Horan."

I spin him around, so he can face me and our noses brush against each other. "Yes, Harry. Yes. I will marry you." I lean in to kiss him, but the physical therapist interrupts us.

"Hey! Sorry for the disruption, but here Harry." He hands him a wooden cane. "For your walking."

Harry takes it uncomfortably and looks at me with pain in his eyes. "Thanks,"he mutters.

The man leaves for good and Harry frowns.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I feel old," he mumbles.

"I'm older than you " I remind him.

"Look at this, Niall! I have a cane! Old men have canes! I'm 18! I should not have a cane," he says, tapping it down hard on the floor.

"You need it. When you finally drop that cane, you'll drop it out of your life forever. Gone. No more. Okay?" I ask and grab his hand again.

"Okay. Thank you for being here with me, fiancé. And for sticking with me."

"Anytime, my fiancé."

~darkness x

(I was always confused to why authors would tell their readers they loved them when they didn't know any of them.. But now I know. It's real. I truly, deeply, love you guys. You all helped and encouraged me. Thank you all so much. xx)

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