Chapter Two

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"'Wait for the bloody Tour, Alby...Kid's gonna have a buggin heart attack...we'd all be right cheery if ya'd forgive our klunk-for-brains new leader, here.'"

These are the first words that Newt says to Thomas, although several irrelevant parts have been removed, and they show very much that he is drawn to Thomas. Immediately after seeing Thomas, Newt already seems to have grown protective of the boy; he feels concerned for the Thomas' physical and mental health after Alby just gives him the blunt truth. He also shows that he wants to make a good impression on Thomas, generally associated with romance, when he apologizes for Alby's actions.

"...he [Newt] seemed a lot nicer than Alby...His hair was blond and cut long, cascading over his T-shirt. Veins stuck out of his muscled arms."

In response to this passage, which happens to be Thomas' first reaction to Newt, I must say that this has several pieces of what could be evidence if explained correctly. First off, he did not describe Newt as just 'nicer' than Alby; he said 'a lot nicer.' This would indicate that he feels a natural and immediate liking towards Newt, something that tends to happen only when someone feels a romantic inclination towards another person. For example, a person can immediately feel romantically attracted to someone just walking by, but would not know if they wanted to be friends with that same person after just a brief 'meeting.' Secondly, the way Thomas describes Newt physically shows that he is attracted him. 'Cascading' is not a word generally used after a brief once-over; it shows that Thomas studied him closely, a sign of attraction. Furthermore, the fact that he noticed Newt's muscles is a clear let-on that he likes him.

"Newt reached out and grabbed Alby by the shoulders. 'Alby, lay off a bit. You're hurtin more than helpin, ya know?'"

This again shows that Newt already cares for Thomas, a reaction generally associated with romance. 

"Thomas looked over at Newt, hoping for help."

This small sentence shows so much. It indicates that Thomas trusts Newt and is depending on him already, two things that are very important in a romantic relationship. He clearly is instinctually attracted to Newt and his attributes.

"'...Things are bad, they are, and they'll get much worse for ya soon, that's the truth. But down the road a piece, you'll be fightin true and good. I can tell you're not a bloody sissy.'"

In this excerpt, Newt is telling Thomas the cold, hard truth. This shows that he cares about him, so much, in fact, that he doesn't lie to him, for fear of hurting him more. Also, he says that he can tell Thomas is not a sissy, or rather, that he is brave, strong even, a clear signal that Newt has some kind of connection with Thomas. This kind of connection is one that lovers will use to describe their immediate and everlasting bond to each other. 

"'Chuck'll be a good fit for ya...'"

As Chapter Two draws to a close, Newt shows that he has already fully examined Thimas' personality and finds him to be a good and kind person, explaining why he would think him a good friend for Chuck. This makes it seems like Newt likes Thomas, seeing as he believes Thomas to be a very good person, despite Alby's feelings towards the Newbie. 

"He shook his head and lightly kicked Thomas on the foot."

Here it is all about the simple, forgettable details. Contact. Physical contact. One of the best ways to tell that someone is attracted to another person. He 'lightly'  kicked Thomas. So not only does Newt find some way he can make contact with Thomas, he does it in an almost loving way.

"'Find Chuckie, tell him he's in charge of your sleepin arrangements.'"

In this final but of Newtmas interaction, Newt chooses not to abandon Thomas immediately when he needs to leave. He stays for a moment to make sure Thomas will know what to do and not be entirely lost and upset, something that many other people who have just been introduced to the person would not do. 

This has been a very successful chapter, and we certainly hope for more. The quantity of evidence prevalent here is astounding. Using this chpater alone we could nearly prove Newtmas canon! This success has given me outstanding hope for future chapters.

Alrighty, well hello guys! That was so much longer than I expected it to be, but honestly most of it is my nonsensical rambling. Oh well though, I hope you guys enjoyed it. I apologize if I missed any evidence, but I'm not perfect. Even my eagle eye can't see everything. I was astonished by how much I did find though, and I hope it didn't bore you (though it probably did). I honestly have no idea why I'm even writing this book; I'm just weird like that. But I love you guys so very much and thank you for reading!!!! I'll see you next chapter, loves!!!!

Have a great night, noon, dusk, dawn, morning, etc.

-Anna (red7717)

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