Do this. Do that. Don't do it that way. You are not supposed to be happy all of the time. You need medication because you are too sad. She's a geek, he's a jock. He's a nobody, she's always on top. Why do we let these stereotypes define who we are, what we do and who we hang out with? That whole cats and dogs thing is kind of bogus too. There are some people who act like cats but are as loyal as dogs when it comes down to it. There are also some people who act like dogs but are as frivolous as cats. There is no just one type of person in the world. There isn't just one type of beautiful either. There are people who are naturally beautiful. There are people who use makeup to look beautiful. There are people who are beautiful on the inside. There are people who aren't exactly physically amazing but they have the purest of hearts. Then there are some people who are just all-around beautiful, inside and out. But just because you don't look like a model doesn't mean that you aren't beautiful. Society makes people believe that they aren't worth it. Both men and women may feel the need to change to fit societal norms, but that doesn't need to happen. Everyone is special. Everyone is beautiful. You may not see it yet, but I know for sure that someone else does.