The Bad Boy's Good Girl

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Hi. My names Serenity Jordan Collins. Most people call me SJ. I'm 16 and attend Easton Jay High in Tampa, Florida. I just moved here to live with my aunt, Jessie, a couple months ago. I hadn't lived far away from Tampa. I actually live - well, lived - in Miami. My label here is the mid-popular, goody-two-shoes. I obtained that in the first week.

And yes, like in all highschools, I have that one popular enemy that always tries to ruin my life. Her name is Casey Fields. I never understood why. Probably because I'm still considered the new girl at the school and seem weak.

I've been dating Tyler White, the school's class sweetheart and captain of the soccer team, for a week so far. When he asked me out, he said that he fell in love with me the second i walked through the double doors of the highschool. Most people are jealous of our relationship. Others just don't care.

My best friend (more like sister) is Audrey King. I met her when i visted my aunt Jessie and took a walk to the park. We've been best friends ever since.

I got to hand it to her. She's been with me through sticks and stones and stayed through the incident. What incident you may ask? It'll come up later.

There's also this one kid. He's, from what I've heard, the bad boy of the school. I think his name is Blake or something. I sometimes catch him staring at me and when I look back at him, he just smirks. Oh I forgot to mention, he lives with me.

Boy's P.O.V:

My name is Blake Ryan. I'm the bad boy of Easton Jay High. I don't really socialize with many people.

I have tons of girls falling at my feet and have only passed up a couple. I never stay with one girl more than two weeks at the most.

I throw parties almost every weekend and yes drink alcohol. I do runs ins with the police occasionally. What do you expect, I'm the bad boy.

I live a pretty good life. Well before I got put in juvenile detention for "assaulting somebody" anyways. Then after getting out of jail came Serenity. I hate the girl but am drawn to her in so many ways and I can't even explain why.

Billy's P.O.V:

These two people, completely different from each other, will cross paths. Is Serenity gonna change Blake's ways? Most likely. Will there be tears, punches thrown, heart breaks? Most definitely.

Just imagine. I have to deal with all of this before I finally pass to heaven. This is not going to be easy.

Oh by the way, I'm Billy. Serenity's older brother. You'll find out how I got here in a little bit.


Hey, mofos. I'm, from now on, gonna call you guys my mofos. Anyways, trying something new. Tell me what you guys think. Vote, Comment, and Fan me if you haven't already. Love you all

Nicole xx

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