Chapter 4

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The next few weeks I barely saw Blake because school had started up. I was told to keep it safe and not go to school for the first couple of weeks. I was closer to walking normally. I hadn't had any bad dreams to seriously screw up my back so no accidentally cuddling with Blake. Mason said I could start going to school next week. I was pretty fucking excited to get out of the house, even if it was only for school.

*next week*

Today I was finally gonna be able to go to school. But I still wasn't allowed to do sports... That ticked me off a little bit but nothing compared to the excitement I had to get out the god damned house.

Oh and did I mention that I get to see my friend Audrey!!!! She's gonna be my only friend at the school but oh well. I knew right from the start it was gonna be awkward starting a week in from school. I'd be known as the new girl.

Jess is practically crying that I'm leaving the house and starting my senior year in high school. Jeeze she was so much like my mom. Jess drops me off, of course with kisses and hugs saying have a good day. I walk to the office to get my schedule.

"Hi. How may I help you??" The lady behind the desk cheerfully asks me. In my opinion, she is way to cheery for it being 8 in the morning.

"Um I'm here to pick up my schedule?"
I reply as a question instead of statement.

"OH! You must be Serenity Collins! Let me go get your get your schedule!"

Eesh. I sat down in a chair while she when to go get it. I looked out an office window and saw a bunch of students piling in through the school doors. Just like any normal school would be like. The lady comes back with my schedule and I get up to grab it.

"Have a great day, Serenity!" The lady says. I quickly mumble a thank you while looking over my schedule and walking out of the office. I push through the double doors of the front of the school and look back down at my sheet to find the room number of my first class. I run into something and stumble back almost falling but the person I ran into caught me by the small of my back and my hip. I look up after the person stabilizes me to find a pair of sea blue/green eyes and nicely gelled kinda short dirty blonde hair styled into a small sideways Mohawk along the front of his hairline.

"Hey. You're new here aren't you?" The guy asks.

"Um yeah actually. Sorry I ran into you."

"I'm Tyler. Let me show you around the school."

"Uh thanks. I'm Serenity. But people call my SJ."

"That's a pretty name for a pretty girl. What's your first class?"

I swear I felt my cheeks heat up without my consent and I quickly looked down at my schedule to see what my class was and to hide my cheeks. "AP Calculus with Mr. Ares."

"Hey we have that class together. So I guess we could just walk together if you want."

"Yeah. That'd be great. Then I have PE with Mr. Peters."

"That's going to be in the big gym. Right around this upcoming corner."

"Umm then Performing Arts with Mrs. Ray."

"Okay so that's in a building by the back but it depends on which arts your doing for the class.

"I'm doing dancing."

We go through the rest of my schedule and I have at least an idea of where I'm going, unlike before..


I go through the rest of my day and headed home. I didn't get much homework because Mason said the stress is bad for my recovery.

I close my eyes and walk into my room from muscle memory and from the thousands of times I've been in this house, and plop on the bed and plan to sleep until dinner.

Blake's POV:

I walk upstairs to my room. Boxing training was pretty tough today and my head was just not in the game. I walk into the doorway and look at my comfy bed that has a sleeping girl face forward into my pillow. 'I don't remember bringing a girl home..' I thought to myself.

Her long jet black hair fanned around her, hiding any of her face that would've showing. It kind of looked like Jess but I could tell the frame was smaller. I walked over to the figure in my bed sand tucked her hair behind her ear to see her face. It was SJ. She held onto my pillow like if she loosened her grip it would leave her. Her breathing was off pattern then normal but nothing too strange. I lifted up her shirt to examine the marks that I saw earlier. They were jagged like someone had beat her. I couldn't imagine a goody-two-shoes like her getting in trouble like that, but I knew and saw that she has emotional pain underneath a unstable wall made out of sturdy material.

Maybe Miss. Goody-two-shoes wasn't so perfect after all.


Hey mofos!!! Sorry it has taken me so long to update. I've had a lot of school issues and have had writers block for a good couple of weeks. Sorry if this chapter sucks, I'll try and make up for it next update.

As always, Fan, vote, and comment what you think. It helps me write better and tells me what you want out of this story.

Love all you guys

Nicole xx

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