Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Blake's POV:

I knew I got under SJ's skin the first time I laid eyes on her. Must have been like Adrianna or whatever her name is. I knew that they had been talking for a while. Honestly, I don't know what a incredibly hot girl like that is doing hang out with her.

I jump up onto my bed and lay back with my arms above my head. I close my eyes and think about SJ's back. How it was all marked up with scars. But I'm not an idiot, some of them were old, as in before the car crash.


I'm suddenly woken up by a soft knock on my door and it slowly opening. I look over at my clock 3:15 in the morning. WTF, really? I see SJ's small silhouette stand in my doorway and she starts the walk forward. She loses her balance and she begins to fall. I dash out of the bed and catch her before she could fall. I now have a passed out girl in my arms. I look at her endless, muscled, skinny legs, all the way up her toned body. I look at her face the one that's usually in hatred towards me, is now contorted in an emotion of endless pain. I carry her over to my bed and lay her down.

I lift up her shirt and start to massage her back like I was taught. I can feel and see her body relax. Her ragged breathing starts to sooth into a normal pace. Her back was still pretty tense. It was taking pretty much all of my will power to not do something else with her.

She finally completely relaxed after a couple of minutes and grabs onto my pillow and get comfortable on my bed. I cover her up and head to the other side of the bed. I lay on top of the sheets with my back toward SJ.

Somewhere right before I fell asleep, I felt an arm drape across my side, hand resting on my stomach. Soon after, I felt SJ's small frame cuddle up to my back.


I wake up with her snuggled up to my side and her head on my chest. I knew that if she woke up right now she'd flip out and fuck up her back. As much as I'd like to get my hands on her I'd rather not wake up to getting hit. So I slide out from her grasp and replace it with my pillow, change, and head out to see my friends.

Serenity's POV:

I wake up to the sound of a motorcycle revving up and speeding off, but I keep my eyes closed. I take a deep breath in and smell a musky, sandalwood, manly smell on my pillow. It smells good.

I finally open my eyes and see that I'm not in my room downstairs or even my room upstairs. I look around and realized I was in Blake's room. I sit up and taken in my surroundings.

'It's nothing like I'd thought it be in here' I thought to myself. I get up, with substantial help from surrounding objects, and I walk around in his room. I know I'm being snoopy, but I wanted to see what he was like. Even though I despised him, I still found him intriguing.

Typical boy stuff was in his room, we liked the same kind of music (even though I'd never admit to it), clothes scattered around his full laundry basket, and had the essentials. Lighting, closet, desk.. I looked closer at his desk and noticed a notepad semi-neatly stacked on top of papers. I moved my way over and sat in the desk chair. Once I got a closer look at the notepad, I realized it was in fact a sketch pad.

I opened up the sketch pad and the first picture was of a family. A mom, dad, big sister, and a little boy. The boy seemed to only have been around the age of 5 and was towered over by the rest of his family. The girl looked to be at around 17. I started to wonder if this was Blake's family. The little boy had his hair, but it was disheveled instead of the neat quiff and the little boys eyes were the same capturing blue color.

The family looked so happy. I longed for that. We seemed like the perfect family to everybody else but inside the confines of our house, the family everybody knew was gone. So far broken besides mine and Billy's connection. I was terrified of my parents when Billy left for college and grateful when he would come visit. But now they are all gone. I felt a tear escape, rolling down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away. I turned through a couple pages and saw multiple pictures of random things. The last completed one, is one of my aunt. The drawing catching every small detail. It was beautiful. I looked down and the bottom right hand corner to see Blake's scrawly signature.

"I didn't know his last name is Ryan.." I mumbled to myself.

I flipped to the last page with a drawing on it. It wasnt complete and it looked like a female, considering its more softer cheekbones and jawbone line. You could only see the template, eyebrows, jawline, and cheekbones, but you could tell that she girl was beautiful.

I faintly heard the same motorcycle that left this morning, drive back into the drive way. I quickly put the sketch pad back where I found it and started to move to the door. I was more paying attention to the ground and my legs, that I didn't even realize that Blake was right in front of me and ran straight into his chest. I started to fall backwards but he quickly caught me and held me to his very muscled chest. I look up at him and he has a smug grin on his face. 'What the hell is he thinking about?' I thought to myself.

"Just can't stay off me can you?" Blake questions.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You don't remember last night? And to mention it, you are quite the snuggler."

I look down and I know my cheeks are absolutely flushed and a bright tinged pink coating the top. I put my hands on each of his pecks an push away from him, still avoiding his eye contact.

He lowly chuckles at me and then walks past as he runs his hand down my arm. Lightly grasping my hand and pulls until its only our finger tips touching. I was completely frozen and had no control over my body. Goosebumps rose on my arm from his warm touch.

I looked up at him and the usually ice blue eyes were not there, but a shade that looked of the Caribbean Sea. I was starstruck by his eyes. Captivating my glance into a longing look.

He smirks at me and walks into his bedroom. Leaving me standing in the hall with my own thoughts.


Hey mofos!!!! I'm finally posting. Sorry it took so long!! This is shorter than the one that got deleted. I typed this as quick as I could. I only quickly glanced for any mistakes. So if there is, let me know and I'll fix it.

Anyways, hope you like it. As always fan, vote, comment. You're criticism helps me write better an know what you want to come out of this story.

Nicole xx

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