Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

1 year before Serenity moves to Tampa

Jessie's P.O.V:

"What? You can't do that to him. You're all he has left Cristi!" I yell into the phone.

Cristi is Blake's mom. Her and I are really good friends. Her son just got put it juvenile detention, jail for kids, for god knows what. She is going to leave to go to London for a job relocation/advancement for 3 years.

"Jessie, I have to. Him and I need the money. We are holding on by a thread here." she desperately pleas into the phone. "I need you to watch him. Take care of him while I'm gone. Pick him up after his year in jail is up. I'll try my best to get him to understand before I leave."

"He's not going to understand. He's gonna feel betrayed and that nobody loves him. But I'll try my best."

"Thanks so much, Jess. I owe you big time. Listen, I gotta go. I call you later. Again, thank you so much Jess. Bye."

"Bye Cristi."

What did I just get myself into... I just agreed to watch my best friends son that has a criminal record and is a bad boy. Before, I've only had to watch SJ; and that was only for a week to a max of 3 weeks.

Speaking of SJ, what would she think about this whole situation? I know Audrey and her have talked about him once or twice. But she's not in his type of 'clique'.

2 months later

Blake's P.O.V:

My mom came by a couple weeks ago telling me that she was leaving for 3 years for an "advancement in her pay" in London. Lets just say I wasn't very happy about that and there is now a hole in the cell I'm in.

I'm now gonna live with Jessie and finish highschool. I only have my senior year to pass. At least I have 10 months to semi-clean up my act enough to stay at her house.

10 months later

Serenity's P.O.V:

August 8

My family and I are going out to celebrate my birthday that was a couple days ago. I told them I didn't need anything fancy or that stuff but they insisted on taking my to dinner at least.


We just finished dinner and were heading back to the car. We got in and were cruising by the beach to see the sunset and waves crashing onto the shore.

It all happened so fast. I feel the car slamming into something. I hear the shattering of glass and a sharp pain in my back and side. I black out.

Jessie's P.O.V:

I am just sitting at home with my boyfriend eating take-out and watching a movie when I hear the phone ring.

I answer it. "Hello?"

"Jessie Dames?"

"Yes. this is she."

"Miss. Dames, your sister, her husband and kids were in a car crash. They-"

"Oh god. Are they alright!? What happened?!"

"Miss. Dames, calm down. I'm very sorry but everybody but Serenity was killed on impact. Serenity is in critical condition though. The glass broke and went into her back and side. She is in surgery now. You were put down if anything were to happen to Kylie and Mason."

I was speechless. I was on the verge of breaking down but I had to be strong for SJ. I calmly say "When will I be able to see Serenity?"

"You should be able to see her tomorrow night. Currently, she is getting the glass out of her and then tomorrow they are going to see if it did any damage to her spine. They are positive she has a broken rib though." says the lady on the other end.

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