Chapter 5

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********NOT EDITED********


Her long jet black hair fanned around her, hiding any of her face that would've showing. It kind of looked like Jess but I could tell the frame was smaller. I walked over to the figure in my bed sand tucked her hair behind her ear to see her face. It was SJ. She held onto my pillow like if she loosened her grip it would leave her. Her breathing was off pattern then normal but nothing too strange. I lifted up her shirt to examine the marks that I saw earlier. They were jagged like someone had beat her. I couldn't imagine a goody-two-shoes like her getting in trouble like that, but I knew and saw that she has emotional pain underneath a unstable wall made out of sturdy material.

Maybe Miss. Goody-two-shoes wasn't so perfect after all.

Blake's POV:

I walked back downstairs and sat on the couch. To say I was bored is an understatement. I could probably call my best friend Matt and we could hang out. All he'd want to do though is go to a top notch bar, get drunk off his ass, and sweet talk a waitress to come home with him. Rich bastard...

There was a house party that some popular juniors were holding and wanted me to come, so I guess I could do that. Alcohol and sexy girls that will be all over me. Why not? I got up and called Matt and told him to meet me there, hopped on my motorcycle and left.

Serenity's POV:

I woke up and looked at my phone. 6:30. Slept for 3 hours. Was I really that tired? I let my head face plant into the black pillow and... Wait.. Black pillow? I sniffed and immediately smelt Blake's scent. Oh god, not again. I looked around the room and luckily he wasn't here. I spotted the same sketch book I found earlier. I got up and went over to the sketch book and sat down on the desk chair. It was open to a random sketch of a dog and of a bunny. There was a page torn out of it, the jagged edge close to the steam of the book gave me a hint there.

I ran my finger along the torn edge, images floating though my mind of what the picture could be. I started flipping through the different drawings; the dark and lonely drawings that scattered the pages drew my attention, there were so many of them. I flipped back to the first picture he drew, taking time to look at each pencil stroke and the expressions on the family's faces - they all looked so happy and full of life.

I closed the book and went downstairs to go find some food and found a note of the kitchen counter.


I'm out doing some shopping. Will be gone for a while, Jake's taking me out on a date. I made a plate of food for you, it's in the microwave. Don't burn the house down. Or throw a party.

Love Jess "

I sighed as I finished reading the note. Looks like I have the place to myself for a while. I grab the plate of good out of the microwave after warming it up and makes my way into the living room to watch tv. I plop myself onto the couch and scroll through the movies I could watch.

"Ugh, why the hell isn't there anything good to watch?"

I finally find something good to watch and click on the channel. I sit and watch The Proposal and shovel food into my mouth. Attractive right? I finish my plate of food and move onto a box of goldfish. It's getting close to the end of the movie where he comes chasing after her before she leaves and I yell at the tv saying that she's an idiot and that she needs to stay with the hot as fuck Ryan Reynolds.

The door nob handle shakes at the front door and scares me so much I kinda threw the box of goldfish. Oops. I think it's just Jess having issue with the door again and leave her be. Next thing I know there's a curse word from a very manly and drunk sounding voice. The guy bangs at the door and yells "SJ I know you're in there. Open the door!"

Oh it's just Blake.. Idiot. I get up and go unlock the door and open it and he's comes tumbling in. I move out the way and he falls on the floor.

I help him get up, much to his displeasure and get him up to his room. I make sure he has a glass of water on his bed stand and leave. I check the time and it's already 11 o'clock. Where did the time go? I head to my room and climb into bed, not even caring about what I was wearing.


hey guys,

Sorry it has taken me so long to update. I know there's a lot of people that update frequently but I'm sorry I don't have that kind of time on my hands with school and the sports I play. I appreciate all of those who still read this and are patient for me to update. I love you guys!

Nicole xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2014 ⏰

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