Act Two - Part One: Melee on the Docks, Butcher's Bridge, A Barrage

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I'm coughin' up black. The smoke from the warehouse fire is tearin' my lungs to shreds, but I don't have time to catch my breath. T.F.'s getting away, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend another dog's age chasin' him all over Runeterra. It ends tonight.

The bastard sees me coming. He shoves a couple of dock hands out of the way and runs off across the wharf. He's trying to work his escape card, but I'm keeping the heat on him, so he can't focus.

More Hooks swarm around, like flies on an outhouse. Before they can block his path, T.F. tosses a couple of his exploding cards and takes the thugs out. A few Hooks are an easy fight for him. But I ain't. I'm comin' to get my due, and T.F. knows it. He scurries down the wharf as fast as he can.

His scuffle with the dock boys gives me just enough time to catch up. He sees me and darts behind a huge hunk of whale spine. A blast from my gun shatters his cover, filling the air with shards of bone.

He answers by trying to take my head off, but I shoot his card in midair. It explodes like a bomb, knocking us both on our asses. He scrambles to his feet first and takes off. I fire Destiny as fast as she'll shoot.

Some Hooks close in on us with chains and cutlasses. I turn quick and blow their insides out their backs. Before I can hear the wet slap of their guts on the dock, I'm spinning on my heels. I take aim at T.F., but I'm clipped by a shot from a pistol. More Hooks, and these are better armed.

I duck behind a piece of an old trawler's hull to return fire. My gun just clicks. Gotta reload. I slam some fresh shells into the cylinder, spit my anger onto the floor, and wade back into the chaos.

All around me, shots and bolts burst through wooden crates. One of 'em tears a chunk of my ear off. I just grit my teeth and plow forward, squeezing the trigger. Destiny is chewin' up everything. One Jagged Hook loses a jaw. Another is blasted into the bay. A third gets torn into a red sheet of muscle and sinew.

I snap around to find T.F. escaping deeper into the slaughter docks. I run past a fishmonger hanging up scavenger eels. One of the beasts is just skinned, its innards still spillin' onto the dock. The monger turns on me, swinging a meat hook.


I take off his leg.


I follow up with a shot to his head.

I shove away a stinking razorfish carcass and keep moving. The blood is ankle deep, some of it from the fish and some from the Hooks we've gunned down. It's enough to give a dandy like T.F. fits. Even with me on his tail, he slows his stride to keep from messin' up his skirts.

Before I can close in, T.F. kicks on into a gallop. I can feel myself losing wind.

"Turn and face me!" I holler.

What kind of man don't own up to his problems?

A noise to my right draws my attention to a balcony holding two more Hooks. I fire, and the whole thing crashes to the docks.

The gun smoke and debris are so thick, I can't see a damn thing. I run toward the sound of his lady boots thudding across the wooden slats. He's makin' for Butcher's Bridge at the end of the slaughter docks - the only way off the island. Damned if I'm letting him get away again.

As I reach the bridge, T.F. skids to a halt, halfway across. At first, I think he's given up. Then I see why he stopped: On the far side, blocking his way, there's a mass of sword-wielding bastards. But I ain't backing down.

T.F. turns back only to find me. He's trapped. He looks over the side of the bridge, down at the water. He's thinking about jumping - but I know he won't.

He's all out of options. He starts walking toward me.

"Look, Malcolm. Neither of us needs to die here. As soon as we get out of this-"

"You'll run again. That's all you've ever done."

He don't answer. Suddenly, he ain't so worried about me. I turn back to see what he's fixed on.

Behind me, I see every lowlife that can carry a blade or pistol storming onto the docks. Gangplank must've called in all his boys from across the city. To keep going's a death sentence.

But livin' ain't the most important thing to me today.

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