Act Three - Part One: Blood, Truth, Death's Daughter

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The fist slams into my face again. I go down hard, hitting the deck of Gangplank's ship. Pig-iron cuffs dig into my wrists.

I'm hauled back upright and forced to kneel alongside T.F. Not that my legs would hold me if this pox-ridden mob made me stand.

The massive, slab-muscled bastard that hit me swims in and out of focus.

"Come on now, son," I slur. "You're doing it all wrong."

I don't see the next one coming. There's just an explosion of pain, and I'm back on the deck. Once again, I'm lifted up and forced to kneel. I spit out blood and teeth. Then I grin.

"My old ma hits harder than you do, boy. And she's been dead and buried five years now."

He steps forward to knock me down again, but a word from Gangplank stops him in his tracks.

"Enough," the captain says.

Swaying slightly, I try to concentrate on Gangplank's blurred outline. Slowly, my eyes clear. At his waist, I see he's wearing that damn knife that T.F. stole.

"Twisted Fate, huh? I heard you were good, and I've never been one to look down on a good thief," Gangplank says. He steps in close and glares at T.F. "But a good thief knows better than to steal from me." He hunkers down and looks me square in the eye.

"And you... If you'd been two shades smarter, you could have put that gun to work for me. But we're past that now."

Gangplank stands up and turns his back to us.

"I'm not an unreasonable man," he continues. "I don't expect folk to bend the knee. All I ask is a modicum of respect - something you boys pissed all over. And that can't go unpunished."

His crew pushes in, like dogs waiting for the order to rip us apart. I ain't rattled, though. I won't give them the satisfaction.

"Do me a favor," I say, nodding toward T.F. "Kill him first."

Gangplank chuckles at that.

He nods to a crewman, who starts banging away on the ship's bell. In answer, dozens more across the port city ring out. Drunks, sailors, and shopkeeps start pouring onto the streets, drawn by the ruckus. The bastard wants an audience.

"Bilgewater's watching, boys" Gangplank says. "Time to give 'em a show. Bring out Death's Daughter!"

There's a cheer, and the deck drums with the clamor of stamping feet. An old cannon is wheeled out. It may be rusted and green with age, but it's still a beauty.

I glance over at T.F. His head's down, and he ain't sayin' nothin'. They took his cards off him... once they found 'em all. They didn't even leave him his stupid, dandy hat - some little inbred bastard in the crowd's wearing it.

In all my years of knowing T.F., he's always had an out. Without one, here and now, he looks defeated.


"You're gettin' what you deserve, you son of a bitch," I snarl at him.

He stares back at me. There's fire in him still.

"I ain't proud of how things went-"

"You left me to rot!" I interrupt.

"Me and the whole crew tried to break you out. And they died for it!" he snaps back at me. "We lost Kolt, Wallach, the Brick - all of 'em - just trying to save your stubborn ass."

"You made out alright, though," I reply. "You know why? It's because you're a coward. And nothing you'll ever say can change that."

My words hit him like a punch in the guts. He doesn't argue. The last glimmer of fight in him goes, and his shoulders slump. He's done.

I don't think even T.F. is this good an actor. My anger fades.

I feel tired suddenly. Tired and old.

"Everything went to hell, and maybe we're both to blame," he says. "I wasn't lying, though. We tried to get you out. Doesn't matter. You'll believe what you want anyway."

It takes a moment for that to sink in. It takes a moment longer to realize that I believe him.

Damn me, he's right.

I do things my way. Always have. Whenever I pushed it too far, he had my back. He was always the one with the out.

But I didn't listen to him that day, and I haven't since.

And now, I've killed us both.

Suddenly, T.F. and I are yanked to our feet and dragged toward the cannon. Gangplank pats its muzzle, like it's a prized hound.

"The Death's Daughter's done well by me," he says. "I've been wanting to give her a proper send off."

A heavy chain is dragged forward, and sailors begin looping it around the cannon. I see now how this is gonna pan out.

T.F. and I are shoved back to back, and the same chain is run around our legs and through our manacles. A padlock snaps shut, binding us to the chain.

A boarding gate in the ship's bulwark slides open, and the cannon's rolled into place in the gap. The wharfs and docks of Bilgewater are now packed with gawkers, here to see the show.

Gangplank rests the heel of his boot on the cannon.

"Well, I can't get us out of this one," T.F. says, over his shoulder. "I always knew you'd get me killed one day."

A laugh escapes my lips at that. It's been a long time since I laughed.

We're dragged toward the edge of the ship, like cattle to the slaughter.

I guess this is where my story ends. I had a good run for a while there. But nobody's luck lasts forever.

It's only then that I know what I should do.

Carefully, straining against my manacles, I reach into my back pocket. It's still there; the playing card T.F. dropped back in the warehouse. I'd aimed to shove it down his bastard throat.

They checked T.F. good for cards – but not me.

I nudge him. Chained back to back, it's easy to hand the card off to T.F. without being seen. I can feel him hesitate as I pass it to him.

"You two will make a meager tithe, but you'll serve," says Gangplank. "Give the Bearded Lady my regards."

With a wave to the crowd, Gangplank kicks the cannon over the side. It hits the dark water with a splash, and sinks fast. The chain on the deck spools out after it.

Now, at the end, I believe T.F. I know he tried everything to get me out, like he did all those times when we ran together. This time, for once, I've got the out. I can at least give him that.

"Get outta here."

He starts going through the motions, spinning the card around his fingers. As the power starts to build, I feel an uncomfortable pressure in the back of my skull. I always hated being close to him when he did his trick.

And then, he's gone.

The chains binding T.F. drop to the deck with a crash, and there're shouts from the crowd. My chains are still locked tight. I ain't getting out of this, but it's worth it just to see the look on Gangplank's face.

The cannon's chain yanks me off my feet. I hit the deck hard, and grunt in pain. In an instant, I'm dragged over the edge of the boat.

The cold water hits me, stealing my breath.

Then I'm under, sinking fast, dragged down into the dark.

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