Act One - Part One: The Slaughter Docks, The Job, An Old Friend

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The Rat Town slaughter docks; they smell as bad as their name suggests.

And yet here I am, hidden in the shadows, breathing the blood-and-bile stink of butchered sea serpents.

I melt deeper into the darkness, pulling the brim of my hat down low over my face as heavily armed members of the Jagged Hooks stalk by.

They've got a reputation for savagery, these boys. In a fair fight, they might take me down, but I'm not big on playing fair, and I'm not here to fight. Not this time.

So what brings me here, to one of the foulest districts in Bilgewater?

Money. What else?

It was a gamble, taking on this job, but the payout is big enough that I couldn't pass it up. And besides, I cased this place to stack the deck in my favor.

I don't intend to linger. I want to be in and out as quickly and as quietly as possible. Once the job's done, I aim to collect my payment and be gone before dawn. All goes well, I'll be halfway to Valoran before anyone knows the damn thing's missing.

The thugs turn the corner of the massive slaughter shed. Means I've got two minutes until they swing back around - plenty of time.

The silver moon slides behind a bank of clouds, covering the wharf in shadow. Crates from the day's work are scattered across the dock. It makes for easy cover.

I see lookouts on top of the main warehouse, silhouettes standing watch, crossbows in hand. They're gossiping loudly like fishwives. I could be wearing bells and these idiots still wouldn't hear me.

They think no one would be fool enough to come here.

A bloated corpse hangs overhead, a warning for all to see. It spins slowly in the midnight breeze coming off the harbor. It's an ugly sight. A huge hook, the type used to catch devilfish, holds the body aloft.

Stepping over rusted chains lying limp upon wet stone, I pass between a pair of towering cranes. They're used to haul giant sea creatures into the slaughter sheds for butchering. It's those looming factories that are the source of the gods-awful stench that permeates everything here. I'm gonna need to buy myself a new set of clothes once this is over.

Across the bay, past the chum-churned waters of the slaughter docks, scores of ships lie at anchor, their lanterns swaying gently. One of the vessels draws my eye; a massive, black-sailed war galleon. I know whose ship that is. Everyone in Bilgewater knows.

I take a moment to gloat. I'm about to steal from the most powerful man in town. There's always a certain thrill that comes from spitting in death's eye.

As expected, the main warehouse is locked up tighter than a noblewoman's virtue. Guards posted at every entrance. Doors locked and barred. For anyone other than me, it would be impossible to break into.

I duck into a blind alley opposite the warehouse. It's a dead end, and it's not as dark as I'd have liked. If I'm still here when the patrol comes back, they will see me. And if they get ahold of me, the best I can hope for is a quick death. More likely, I'll be taken to him... and that would be a far more painful, drawn out way to go.

The trick, as always, is not to get caught.

Then I hear them. The bruisers are returning early. I have seconds, at best. I snap a card from my sleeve and weave it through my fingers; it's as natural as breathing. This is the easy part, the rest can't be rushed.

I let my mind drift as the card starts to glow. Pressure builds around me, and I'm nearly overcome with the promise of everywhere. Half-closing my eyes, I focus, and picture where I need to be.

Then, there's the familiar lurch in the guts as I shift. A displacement of air, and I'm inside the warehouse. Gone with barely a trace.

Damn, I'm good.

One of the Jagged Hooks outside might glance up the alley and notice a single playing card falling to the ground, but probably not.

It takes a moment for me to get my bearings. Dim light from the lanterns outside creeps in through the cracks in the walls. My eyes adjust.

The warehouse is crowded, stacked high with treasures from all over the Twelve Seas: gleaming suits of armor, exotic works of art, shining silks. All things of considerable value, but not what I'm here for.

My attention is drawn to the loading doors at the front of the warehouse, where I know I'll find the most recent arrivals. I run my fingertips across the various cartons and crates... until I come to a small, wooden box. I can feel the power emanating from within. This is what I'm here for.

I unlatch the lid.

My prize is revealed; a knife of exquisite design, lying upon a bed of black velvet. I reach for it—


I freeze. There's no mistaking that sound.

Before he even speaks, I know who's standing behind me in the darkness.

"T.F.," says Graves. "It's been a long time."

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