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Its all starting to make sense. Harry asked me to drive him to the bakery shop so he could visit the prison which isn't that far from there. But why? I would have taken him to the prison if he needed to go.

Who would he be visiting though? He just moved here so he shouldn't know anybody. I hope he doesn't have some murder friend in prison that he's trying to sneak out because I do not want to be involved in that.

No, I need to relax. Maybe someone he knows works at the prison.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a hand laying on my thigh. I follow the arm up to see a face with a sly smirk.

"The lights green." Harry says, sliding his hand off of me.

I nod, driving off. I shouldn't be so distracted. I mean, its none of my business, right?

I finally pull up to the apartment that Vanessa told me she lives at. The complex it quite large and it looks very clean and organized.

I park my car at a free spot and get out of the car along with Harry.

"What's her apartment number again?"

I pull out my phone and read over the number again.

"In building 300. Apartment A3." I tell him.

We walk into the building and go downstairs to bottom floor where she lives.

We soon find her door and I'm about to knock when Harry stops me.

"What?" I snap, a little to harshly.

"Do you hear that?" He asks.

I listen. "Hear what?"

"The music." We stay silent for a moment before I finally hear it. I nod.

"What about it?" I proceed to knock on the door and it soon flings open revealing Payton. She squeals, hugging me tightly. Its now obvious that the music was coming from this apartment.

"Lydia! Vanessa's in the kitchen, come on." She drags me into the house where many people are already seated at with a cup in hand.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I hear Harry mumble from behind me.

We make it to the kitchen which smells of cigarette smoke. I spot Vanessa chatting with a tall boy with freckles on his cheek.

She looks over to me and smiles before excusing herself from the boy. "Hey!" She yells over the music.

I give her a quick smile. "I thought it was only going to be us?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, it was but my cousin is over and he invited a couple of his friends. I hope you don't mind," She giggles and I shrug, nodding.

I walk over to the kitchen table and sit down. Harry soon sits down beside me.

"This sucks." He mumbles.

"How?" I ask him even though I'm not too fond of the situation either but I'll just have to go with it.

"I don't want to spend my free day hanging out with a bunch of horny teens," he cringes and I laugh, grabbing a cup from in front of me.

"Let's just have fun." I nudge him with my elbow and he gives off a small smile.

I take a sip from the cup, immediately recognizing it as alcohol.

I offer a cup to Harry. "No thanks," he says shaking his head.

"Well I'm gonna go mingle with some 'horny teenagers' as you would call them." I smile getting up.

Spotless Mind // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now