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I awake to the sound of my phone ringing. I groan, reaching over to grab it.

I answer it without looking at the Caller I.D.

"Hello?" I mutter, trying my best to fully wake up.

"Lydia!" Harry's voice fills the phones speaker, "look outside!"

"Why?" I ask, getting up and stretching a bit. I walk over to the window and peek through the blinds.

"It's snowing!" He says as my eyes take in the sight of the white snow falling through the air and settling onto everything outside, making a beautiful scenery.

I smile, shutting the blinds. "I have to go to your house once it starts to pile up. We can make a snowman together?" I suggest.

"Definetly. Maybe we can have a snowball fight as well?" He laughs.

"Of course. Be prepared to get your ass kicked."

"Oh no, you've got it all wrong my sweet Lydia. I'll be the one doing the ass kicking." He says in a smug and playful tone, my heart skipping at his choice of words.

I smile to myself "Well I guess we'll find out, won't we?"

"Of course."


I knock on the door of their house and step back, looking at the snow. It's definitely tripled in size since I woke up so it seems perfect for snowman making.

The door soon opens and Braxtons younger sister Piper, is on the other side with a thick robe tied around her.

"Lydia! Get inside its freezing." She smiles, opening the door to allow me in.

I step inside, greeting her as I shut the door behind me.

"Harry's in his room if you need him." She tells me before walking off into the living room in a rush.

I walk up the steps and make my way to his room, knocking on the door once I'm there.

"Come in." He says and I push the door open.

He's sitting on his bed with a pen and notebook in hand. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Well. Looks who's all bundled up like a marshmallow." He teases.

I roll my eyes and smile. " The smart girl who won't be getting sick." I chuckle.

"The smart and cute marshmallow girl." He beams, making my cheeks heat up. "Nice."

He gets up and pulls me into a hug. I hug back even though I'm quite unsure of why he's being so affectionate.

"You're quite touchy today, huh?" I tease as he releases me.

"Yes." He simply replies, staring into my eyes.

He soon walks away to his closet and grabs a coat. He slips it onto his body and puts his boots on.

"Let's get this snowman making started, shall we Lydia?" He says walking back over to me and grabbing my hand as we rush out the door.

I nod, biting down on my lips as we make it through the back door and step out into the backyard. The cold air hits my skin fiercely and I can tell it's doing the same to Harry.

Despite the fact that I'm freezing, I walk over to the snow and pick some up, balling it in my hands and throwing it at Harry.

"Hey!" He yells, caught off guard.

I laugh as he dusts it off. "Sorry, it slipped."

He scoffs playfully and crouches beside me. "No time for games. We have a serious mission ahead of us." He states as he begins to pile the soft snow.

Spotless Mind // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now