Chapter One- Premonitions

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"I knew you missed me." Vincent said as his fingers pushed between my thighs...hard. I couldn't help but melt to his touch. How I missed it, how I craved it. My head was thrown back against the wall as my nails dug deep in his wrist. I had never wanted anything more than him in this moment. I let out a cry of pleasure before he placed his hand over my mouth so we were not discovered.

"Sign it." He said as he placed the envelope from his back pocket and beside my head as I smirked. I had truly considered it as the feeling became too much to bare. Just as I was about to answer, I jolted from my dream and was sweating immensely.

Chase was beside me and he rubbed my back before kissing my cheek and making sure I had been alright.

"Bad dream?"

I nodded as I had to tell him that was the problem. If he were to know I was dreaming about Vincent...I would never be able to live it down. It would hurt him and he is the last person I want to hurt...Ever since I saw the security tape of Vincent, a part of my body still craves him. It's psychotic considering all the stuff he did to those I cared about. But I couldn't deny how excited he got me-even in thoughts or dreams.

"I'll get you some tea." Chase said as he slid from the sheets and exited the bedroom as I too slid from the sheets to cool down. I made my way to the bathroom before looking in the mirror and seeing a horndog looking back.

"Pull yourself together." I whispered as I saw my reflection. "You have everything you've always wanted..." But in the corner of my eye, I saw the shower and blushed to think back to when I first saw Vincent. I shook my head as my gaze then moved to my engagement ring. It was perfect size for my finger and more than Chase could afford I'm sure, but he always spoiled me. Part of me felt guilty for wearing it as I had not been honorable to him. He deserved a woman with eyes just for him...especially after all he has been through.

I sat on the edge of the bed as he returned with the tea and I drank it slowly. He gave me a kiss on my cheek before stroking my back and I placed the tea on the nightstand before pulling him into me. His kisses were sweet, and passionate. He laid on top of me before running his fingers from my cheek to my leg in which he forced to push against his waist. His lips never wavered from my skin as I closed my eyes and dreamed of moments with Chase. I gripped his hair as his kissed moved lower or his fingers wandered. He eventually ceased the torture before committing to the moment fully and I basked in the release-more than ever.

He wrapped his arm around me before we both fell into a deep, deep sleep.

Each day of the last year had been spent on the same schedule; I would awaken to the sound of the shower before kissing my mother's picture and dressing for the day. I always showered at night as I did my best thinking then. That, and the fact it took about that long for the water to reheat. Pictures scattered the apartment as I made my way to the kitchen and got a healthy fruit mixture and tea before venturing to the couch and watching a few minutes of the news. Chase would then come out and join me as we ate breakfast, shared a kiss, and a small conversation, and left for the day-to return several hours later drained and mostly aching.

But after a year, strange things began taking place. I had kept the cafe in my name and refurnished the old booths to make it more me. Expensive portraits hung as well as inspirational quotes as it became a popular place for college kids. Now reaching drinking age, I was psyched for the upcoming birthday, the wedding, and most of all-moving away from this place as Chase got a job in Madison, Wisconsin as a professor.

I loved Chase, but I found the exciting flare had gone away. It was those moments I thought of this that Vincent crept in my mind. His long touches and times of great physical attributes. I bit my lip at the thought before entering the cafe on this given day. I found a bouquet of large roses awaiting me before the establishment before smiling. He always surprised me. I slid the card between my fingers before placing the flowers on the counter before sliding open the card and my stomach dropped.

"I miss buying you things." -V

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