Chapter Seventeen- Only Thing Keeping Us Apart

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After hours of nonstop research on the city, we discovered the place Vincent described was an old train station hidden in the modern cellars of a large building. Through a grate was a tunnel that lead to the cellars that kept my Vincent from me. Each step made me more anxious then the one before as my heart raced and I found that no amount of time or money could change what I feel for him. Love. For sure, undeniable love.

"Where is the money Chadwick?" A loud Jersey accent asked as a sudden sound was heard before Jace explained how it had been the sound of a spark. Made by some kind of electronic source.

"I have already told you a thousand times. I will give it to you once I know Addy is alright."

"You're little whore is fine."

Suddenly a loud sound was heard before the cocking of a gun was also heard.

"Calm yourself." A voice spoke before Vincent gasped then chuckled.

"You? All this time, all those's been you?"

"You better believe it you bastard!" The one voice said as he hit Vincent who grunted before spitting what I assumed was blood on the ground. We moved further in the tunnels to reveal a large grate in which we could see. I was the only one who could considering a large pillar holding up an old clock blocked Jace's way.

I had seen how Vincent looked charming even in those circumstances. His disheveled hair and messed up clothes, his deep eyes and full lips. My thighs quivered as I saw him-even in the moment we were enduring in different ways.

"You are such a sick and twisted-" A gun shot rung through the air like an unsuspecting lone wolf's attack. We all watched before someone else came in. A second man-the second man from the crimson car those nights ago. Seeing his shadow, made my head ache. I began to tremble before I looked out and saw how Vincent saw me. I couldn't help but smile and he took a breath of relief.

"Fine, the money is in my car at my apartment. The address is in my phone in my planning section. You can let me go now. I know going after you would be stupid so just let me go so I can be with the woman I love."

I froze. He admitted it. He confessed it was more than a dominant and submissive thing. I couldn't help but grow even more anxious. Just to see he was alright and admit his feelings for me, it was more than I could bare. Suddenly, police sirens were heard and I knew this was coming to an end. Good thing we called backup. I gave myself a large pat on the back before watching the scene unfold.

After being untied, Vincent ran to me and picked me up before kissing me hard. The kind of kiss women wait their entire lives to feel the passion of. It left me trembling and I realized the true meaning of the release inhibitions, to go outside of comfort zones to feel this sort of passion and want. To feel this type of love...

As the police took our statements, we were rushed back to their apartment by Jace and Lisa who plagued us with dozens of questions but we just couldn't sneak away to even catch up with one another. He explained how he was taken from outside the gym and kept underground but knocked unconscious so he didn't know where. But he refused to tell me or them who it was who took him.

"Do you want to come-home?" He quickly made clear before Lisa and Jace finally got the hint and we moved toward the parking lot in which he pushed me against the wall in the stairwell and wasted no time in making sure I wanted him as his fingers prodded me for some time. I shifted against the wall before he went to remove his jeans but I ran down the stairwell and into the garage of the apartment building.

Just before he would catch me each time, I would get away and tease him before eventually, he pinned me against his car as I lingered around it. One he kept in their garage for the times he was dropped off by his driver or picked up by Jace himself.

His hands moved up my thighs as he tugged on my underwear and took it to my ankles. I couldn't help but moan at the moment that I so desperately craved to be achieved. My bottom lip began to bleed as I bit down hard to stay quiet. I gripped the car before he removed his belt and had me in position before I asked him to stop.

"Somebody could see..."

He nodded before opening the back of the car and sitting in the back, me atop of him-straddling his legs. I gripped behind his head as he gripped my legs and we gave ourselves to one another fully. No holding back, no binds or gags or whips-just two people who needed one another. The windows were in full steam as my hand got the right passenger window steamed up enough to look like a rip off from the Titanic. I let out a loud gasp which was followed by him finding his release and we sat with one another in complete admiration. When he did pull away, he moved from me before getting into the opposite side of the car and driving to my apartment.

We sat outside for a moment before pausing. "I can't leave you."

"Then take me to your apartment."

"I have to get some work done."

"No you don't. I know you're business you spoke of doesn't exist. Why did you lie to me?"

"Because I wanted to impress you..."

"I'm already impressed but honestly-what are you trying to do..."

"I am trying to start my own company. I still have many contacts but it's a continuous job. After I was swindled from my position, I was forced to resign or face the consequences with your name attached as well as the other subs in my past."

"Then take me to your office and show me the work you do for this. I want to see."

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