Chapter Twenty Seven- Red Handed

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Going to meet Vincent to be with him after another week of headaches and strange cravings, I was anxious to see him. I missed his touches and his words-his force of tying me up and making me feel complete and satisfied...As I entered his apartment, I had a path of petals bringing me to notes around the house. All written on a digital format as the font was from something mechanical and not manual. Following the notes, they led to a chair which instructed I sat down and close my eyes. I did as instructed before a blindfold was taken over my eyes.

"Are you ready for the most thrilling time of your life?" He asked in a whisper. I nodded before feeling my hands and feet bound as well before smelling something sweet-almost like cake batter or cupcakes. I opened my mouth upon instruction before swallowing some liquid. Thinking it was a fancy wine at first, I anticipated what was to come. My throat burned slightly before I swallowed hard and saw how I felt funny. Dizzy then sick until I suddenly awoke in a strange building. Run down and smelling of plants-almost like a greenhouse. Sure enough, as my eyes adjusted, I saw how plants were in the next room. Beautifully colored flowers were the most obvious and the most eye-catching.

As I looked around to look for Vincent, I noticed how another chair was in the distance. A person was in the opposite chair with his feet tied and arms in front of him. His head was low and I called out to him.


After various attempts, he began groaning before I saw it to be Vincent. If he was there...

"Well well...the lovers together again..." A familiar voice spoke before Earon peeked from the darkness. His hair had grown and he was cleanly shaven-showing more attractive features. His accent was more prominent now and Vincent glared at him before shaking his head.

"You promised you wouldn't hurt her... " Vincent said as he looked to me and saw how I wore a red scar above my eye from my transport here.

"That wasn't my doing..."

"It was mine." A second man entered the room. It was Mitch. I instantly fell sick before bile came into my mouth. I turned away until he came close to me.

"I knew you two couldn't stay away from one another...He would never shut up about you before and now he can't stay from between your legs."

Vincent clenched his jaw before giving me apologetic eyes.

The two men turned from us before then whispering. I could only catch a portion of their conversation.

"He'll be here soon..."

Just as the words were spoken, headlights were show on the other side of the greenhouse. The windows made it visible. I looked carefully and saw someone emerge from the vehicle. The person had brown shoes, nice clothes, and a powder blue tie-the same one I gave to him that last Christmas...

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