Pretty Privileged.

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Early mornings at Tapen Beach High are like the 40's. Everyone is segregated and if you crossed those lines you had a price to pay. It goes the same for lunch time as well. There was my clique "The Prissy Chicks" we didn't mind if people thought we were b*tches, we just knew they couldn't stick with us. And if you were a female and you weren't with us you were UNDER us. Thats just the way it works. Theres me the head of the pack, Sanaè shes short but shes a fire cracker and that girl knows how to party, Janell the hot Latina, Venita The quiet one and lastly Tonya your typical jealous female. She was like Scar from "The Lion King". Then there are the jocks which includes: my boo Janari (most people call him Janar), His homeboy Tyrek, Tyrek's twin brother Tyrell, and B.Jones a.k.a BJ. Those are the most important boys in that crew, anybody else are just extras. If you couldn't get with the prissy clique or weren't a part of the jock crew you were a nobody. Thats just how the cookie crumbled. Of course we had our wannabes and we have the ocassional run ins with hatin' ass b*tches, that comes with the territory. The only haters I'm focused on are the ones I eat with. Take Tonya for example. Everyone knows that one b*tch that wants to be them so they play nice with them. You know, the whole if you can't beat em' join em' fiasco. No matter how hard she tries she could never be better than me thats why I don't sweat her I let her bask in my queendom. She could possibly never step up to my domain. That chick can't take me. But like I said before I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, I'm just waiting on her to say that sh*t to ME and not everybody else.


So whatever, 1st-5th period goes by like fast as hell. Now its lunch time, I just need 7th period to get here so we can see our progress reports before the last report card comes in the mail for the summer. I'm not too worried because I'm an exceptional student. I make A's and B's, I have a 3.5 GPA, the only thing I regret is not taking honors classes. It would be nice to graduate with honors. But as long as I walk across that stage and see my family smile with pride I'm alright.

I never eat the school lunches I swear that in a few years there will be news reports comparing school food to prision food. I leave campus and go to the local wing stop shop across the street. I'd rather eat there anyway because I don't to have bum b*tches all in my mouth while I'm talking to my girls. I usually meet with Sanaè and Venita and talk with them for a little while, by the time Tonya and Janell are on the way to the wing shop I head back to school to spend the remainder of my lunch with Janari. So it was no coincidence that as I was walking out the door Janell and T. were walking in with T's younger cousin Candi. I said hey to Janell on the way out and T. kept walking, I'm gonna play it cool but I'm not gonna play fake with her.


[ZaKeisha is back at school cakin' up with Janari, Tonya and Janell sit down to have lunch with Venita & Sanaè]

TONYA : You see how she act like she couldn't speak to me?

JANELL : Yeah girl, what was up with that?

SANAÈ : I think she knows whats up with "that".

TONYA : Yeah, I said that sh*t just to see if you would tell her. And just like a little lap dog you went and told her.

SANAÈ : Okay, If you knew I would tell her why couldn't you just say that sh*t to ger face? You obviously got some kinda beef with Keisha. Be a real b*tch and let her know yourself.

TONYA : I don't have to let that b*tch know sh*t, she feel like the world owes her something. I don't owe that b*tch shit and I'm tired watching everybody kiss her ass.

VENITA : [Grabs Sanaè's hand] C'mon girl, lets go before this sh*t gets ugly..

SANAÈ : I'm not about to let you get under my skin. Just know that Keisha and I been tight since we were lil' and I'm not about to letchu come between that. She ain't never done anything to make me feel some type of way about her and YOU don't have a reason to either.

C'mon Janell lets clear it.

[The two angrily leave]

TONYA : She thinks that just because shes pretty that she should just get everything handed to her.

CANDI : Please, she ain't all that. And high school don't last forever, nobody's gonna cater to her in the real world.

TONYA : I'll show her, I'll take Janari right from up under her.

CANDI : Haha! You so f*ckin evil.

TONYA : [Smirks] That bitch don't know what she got comin.

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