Chapter 1 - Drowning

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I woke up breathing hard from one of my night scares  I've been getting the same bad dream for about a month now. I'm always being pulled down and down and down into the ocean by something or someone and then BAM! I jut wake up feeling like I just drowned.

My name is Emma Stevens I'm 16 years old and I go to Beverly Hills high school. Now I know what your thinking and everything you are thinking  about me right now is all correct.

My dads a Business owner and my moms and fashion designer. Since the day I could walk and talk and was eating solid foods, my mom had a full time nanny taking care of all my needs while her and my dad went out of the state or country for work.

Now I know what your thinking, "Didn't you get lonely without your parents around?" well when I was younger from the ages 3-12 my mom and dad made sure that the nanny kept me busy each and everyday.

I was never not busy as a young child. Always having play dates with my friends and doing fun and educational things with my nanny. I would only call mom and dad 3 times each week.

When we would talk on the phone after saying our "I love you" to each other my dad would always say at the end of the phone call "remember honey mommy and daddy are working so we can make money for you and all the things you want to do in your life. We love you very much be home soon. And be good for Norma" if you didn't know Norma was my nanny's name.

Back to what I was saying. Until I was around the age 13, I always thought that my parents being away all the was Ok because they were doing it because they truly loved and cared about me.

It wasn't until  September 16th, the day of mr birthday. that I realized my parents didn't care about me and everything was just a big lie.
That day on my 14th birthday I didn't receive not one phone call from my parents.

I was so upset I stayed in my room the and cried on Norma's lap for almost the entire day until she convinced me to finally get up and go out to a fancy dinner with my best friend Violet.

Me and violet aren't friends anymore but that's not the point. The point is that I will never forget that day. And the most fucked up part about is it that they didn't call anymore after that. Only send letters or emails that there assistants would write for them.

And the only time I would see them would be the holidays. Everything in my life has changed...and so did I

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