Chapter 2 - My reflection

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"EMMA!!!!! EMMA WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!! YOUR LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!" Norma yelled in my face. "Norma please let me stay home I'm tired!"

"Emma....ok fine I'll let you stay home just for today but tomorrow you are going to school for the rest of the week. And you better email your teachers for all you homework for today young lady." She said

I nodded and kissed her cheek. "Thank you and I will, love you." I said to her she smiles at my and kissed my head then walked out of my room shutting the door.

Norma Is like my second mom. I love her like a mom and she's the only person in my life that truly cares about me and loves me. She's my rock, my home. I don't even know what I would do without her.

I sigh and look up at my wall. I have so many thoughts going on in my head right now I can't even fall back to sleep. One second I'm so tired and the next I can't seem to go back to sleep. I get up out of bed and go into my bathroom looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I have dark bags under my eyes hair in a messy bun and I look like total shit. I walk out of my room running in to Norma's room to find her laying on her bed reading her book. I lay next to her and slap her book down.

"Emma really" she says glaring at me. "What! Your always reading. I have an idea, let's have girls day! Go to lunch together get our nails done go shopping?!"

She smiles at my and nods and study's my face and starts to frown. "Are you having the dream again?" She says. I nod and look down. "I don't know why I keep having it. I'm ok though I swear. I just wanna get my mind off of things today and have a fun day with you." I smile at her

"Ok honey. Just tell me if you continue to have the dream ok? I don't want you to get stressed like the last time Emma ok? I'm serious. I need to know these things." She's says looking at me straight in the eyes.

"I know Norma I'm fine, I'm not stressing out okay?" I sigh and look at her and smile and walk off upstairs into my room. The last time I got stressed out I started skipping class not doing my work and I had a break down a couple days after that.

I was home alone and Norma was our shopping for food. I got home and I just couldn't take it anymore, so I went into the living room
And starting throwing all the pictures of my mom and dad on the floor and stomping on them with my shoes.

I started crying and screaming and kept throwing the photos on the floor until the floor was covered in broken glass. That's all I could remember before everything went black.

I hate even thinking about that day, Norma had called my parents to tell them what happened and they didn't even answer. And I haven't talked to them since. I don't even care anymore they don't care so I don't care.

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