Chapter 5 - Your cute when your shy

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At the moment I'm laying in bed watching tv and cuddling with my dog. I need something to distract me from staring at my phone hoping that Adam will text me.

What am I thinking he probably won't text me. He probably just wanted my number to give out at school and to just make fun of my and talk about how stuck up I am just like everyone else does.

I frown to myself hoping that that isn't the case. I get up from bed and strip down and jump into my shower. As I'm just rinsing my hair I hear my phone to ring! I peek my head out of my shower and see that it's Adam!!!! AND HES FACETIMING ME!!!!!

"Fuck!!" I yell to myself and turn off the shower fast and I get out and wrap a towel around me trying to dry myself off. The FaceTime is about to end so I just grab it and answer trying to look and act natural.

It connects and I see Adam he looks so cute! "Hey Emma!" He smiles "wait are you in a towel?!" He says squinting his eyes my face turns red and I put my hand over my face. "Uhh...yea about that. You called me right when I was getting into the shower...I'll be back just have to change.." He laughs and I look down a smile to myself.

I put my phone down and run into my closet I pick out just black leggings and a tank top. I put everything on and I put my hair up into a pony tale and run back. "Hey" I say and smile at him while walking to my bed and sitting down.

"Hey beautiful" he says and I start blushing and I look down. "Your cute when your shy." He says and I just chuckle to myself. "Thanks I guess?" I say and we both laugh. "So how are you doing ? Are you ok?" He asks and I nod and smile.

"Can I ask you something Adam?" I say. He nods "yea anything, go for it" he says looking at me.

"Why....why did you ask me for my number?...I mean everyone at school thinks I'm just some stuck up mean bitch who is so rich and only cares about myself. I'm sure you.." He cut me off. "No I don't think that. I don't think that at all Emma. Wanna know what I do think? I think your a beautiful girl and I don't think your any of those things. I know we don't really know each other. But I think the people at school are just jealous and are bored with their life's and wanna pick on people to just make themselves feel better."

"I..I just don't get it. I do nothing wrong and I don't understand why people at school see me like that..I have no friends Adam....everyone just laughs at me and looks at me like I'm a joke..." I look down and I drop my phone starting to cry I put my face into my hands and cry.

"Shit...Emma? Emma please don't cry. Please Emma I'm sorry I feel so bad...if I could beat up all those jerks I would..but I would get kicked out of school if I did. Just don't cry please? " he says and I cry even harder.

I don't even know why I'm crying like this I never ever like to cry in front of people. "I-I should go" I say and hang up the call fast. I lay down and get under my covers and cry to myself. My phone buzzes like 4 times and turn it off and I finally fall asleep.

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