Meeting the boys

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"Hello, is this Echo Matthews?" A man asked.

"Yes this is Echo. Who are you and how did you get my number." I asked into my phone.

"I'm 5 Seconds Of Summers manager, they need a stylist and I heard you are pretty good and you can deal with boys." The man said.

"Oh okay." I said.

"Want the job? They are leaving to go on tour in a day so we need to know now."

"Yes I would love too." I said.

"Okay great can you meet me at there signing tonight at 7?"

"Yes. Thank you." I said.

"Okay see you later."

"Bye." I said and then hung up the phone.

I walked over and started packing my clothes. My apartment was empty cause I didn't have a roommate. After getting everything packed that I would need I put my stuff in my car and drove to there signing. It was 6:30 and it would take 30 minutes just to get there.

I was wearing a crop top. Black highwaisted shorts and heels and a cardigan. I curled my hair.

I pulled into the parking lot and walked inside. There was so many screaming girls. I walked behind a fence like thing. All of a sudden a security grab walked up.

"Nobody is aloud back here." The big man said.

"I'm suppose to be here." I said.

"A lot of people say that. You are going to have to wait in line with the rest of the fans."

"Wait let me just make a call." I said.

"Okay make it quick."

I called the manager.

"Hey I'm here but a security guard won't let me go to the very front." I said to the manager.

"Oh okay. Are you in the front of the building?" The manager asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Okay stay there I'll be there in a minute." He said and then hung up.

2 minutes later a guy came walking up.

"Nice to finally meet you. I'm Adam Wilkinson 5 seconds of summers manager." The guy- Adam said.

"Nice to meet you too." I said shaking Adam hand.

"Follow me." Adam said walking to the front where the boys were.

"OKAY 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER IS GONNA HAVE A FIVE MINUTE BREAK!" Adam yelled and all the girls whinned.

"Hi, you must be Echo." Mikey said.

"Yeah. It's nice to meet you all." I said.

"I'm Calum." Calum said.

"I know, I listen to your music." I said with a laugh.

"Oh okay." Calum said.

"Okay well we have to sign some things for fans and then we will leave tonight." Luke said.

"Okay, I'll stay here." I said and they all nodded.

Hour later

"We're back!" Mikey yelled walking into the room.

"Hi." I said.

"Ready to leave?" Luke asked.

We got on the bus and I decided I was just going to do to sleep cause I was tired. I was laying in my bunk with the curtain closed and was on my phone. I could hear the guys talking.

"What do you guys think about our stylist?" Luke asked.

"She seems nice." Mikey said.

"She's hot." Calum said.

"You got that right." Luke said.

"What about you ash?" Mikey asked.

"Oh um she seems cool." Ash said.

"Dude, she seems cool?" Calum asked.

"She's hot too." Ash said.

I had to pee really bad but I didn't want to get up because they might realize that I was listening. Oh who cares.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I was walking back to my bunk.

"Hey Echo come tells us something's about you." Calum suggested.

"Oh okay." I said walking over.

"How old are you?" Mikey asked.

"19." I answered.

"Oh cool, I'm 19 too." Calum said

"Well I'm 19 too cal." Luke said.

"Guys, we all are 19 expect ash." Mikey said.

"Oh, Ashton how old are you?" I asked

"Oh I'm 21." Ashton said.

"Ohhh nice, any more question?" I asked.

"You got a boyfriend?" Calum asked and Mikey and Luke slapped his arm. Which made me giggle.

"No, I don't. All the guys from my town are dicks. Also they don't know what good music is." I said.

"Oh well then your single.... I'm single...." Calum said.

Ashton throws a pillow at Calum.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked.

"Snapchatting my friend." I said locking my phone.

"Don't get Calums snapchat!" Mikey yelled. Which made Luke, Ashton, and Mikey laugh.

"Dude!" Calum yelled slapping Mikey's arm.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because Calum-" Luke was about to say.

"Because nothing!" Calum said.

Ashton mouthed I'll text you and I nodded.

Wait how do the guys have my number?

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