First concert

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^Echos outfit^

After just laying around in the hotel room, got changed. We had stayed at a hotel cause there concert was in NYC. I walked out of my room and knocked on the boys room.

Luke opened the door and I walked in. Mikey was laying on the couch in boxers Luke just had sweats on and Ashton was still asleep. Then you have Calum walking to the bathroom..... Naked....

"Calum! Put clothes on!" I yelled at him.

"Gonna take a shower." He said then shut the door.

I walked over and sat by Mikey.

"What are you watching?" I asked.

"Pokémon." He answered.

After 20 minutes of watching tv with Mikey I decided to wake Ashton up.

"Ashton. Wake up." I said he just rolled over so I walked to the other side of the bed.

"Ash. Wake up." I said again and he rolled on his back. I climb on him stomach.

"Ash. Wake up." I said and his eyes shot open.

"What are you doing?" Ash asked.

"Trying to wake you up." I said.

"Oh okay." Ashton said sitting up with me now on his lap.

"Oh... um.... yeah... okay.." I said standing up.

"Your concert is in a hour and a half. Please get ready and come downstairs fast." I said walking out of the room.

I was waiting in the van when all the boys climb in. The driver took up to the place were they were performing. I walked over to the rack of clothes.

Mikey's- Black Skinny jeans. Rolling Stones black tank top. Black converse.

Calum's- Never on my mind white tank top, black skinny jeans black vans.

Luke's- Nirvana shirt, black ripped skinny jeans and gray converse

Ashton- AC⚡️DC shirt with sleeves rolled up, black ripped skinny jeans and Red vans.

"Here boys." I said handing them each there clothes.

The all went and changed. After they all changed they went to do a sound check. If that's what you want to call it even thought all they were doing was saying random things into the mic and running around on stage.

The concert began and I was standing backstage watching them preform.

All of a sudden after the got done playing She's  Kinda Hot Luke started talking.

"Okay our friend has got a lot of shit on Twitter recently." Luke said. All of a sudden Mikey pulled me on stage.

"She's our stylist, and best friend." Mikey said.

"She's pretty cool, guy. Please be nice to her. She already has to deal with us, and that's not easy." Calum said.

All of a sudden somebody grab my waist and I jumped. I turned around and saw Ashton and smiled.

"Hey." He said smiling.

"Hi." I said smiling back.

"She's not just cool but She's Kinda Hot." Ash said into the mic.

My lip all of a sudden mashed into someone's. It was Ash. I kissed back and Ash smiled into the kiss. After a while we both pulled away. There was some cheering and some booing. The guys were cheering.

"We will play one more song!" Luke said and everybody cheered.

I walked backstage with a smiling on my face. The few days I hung out with 5SOS I got to know Ash a lot better and I started to get feeling. I'm just happy to know now the feeling were mutual.

After the concert was over all the boys ran back stage. Ashton stopped in front of me.

"So ummm. I've been thinking of was to ask you and the guys said I should tonight. So will you be my girlfriend?" Ashton asked looking at me and then looking down.

"Yes!" I said hugging him. Ashton picked me up and spun around causing me to laugh.

"GUYS! SHES MY GIRLFRIEND!" Ashton yelled and the boys cheered.

Me and Ashton walked to the front with the rest of the boys to meet some fans.

"Hey girls." Luke said. There was maybe 20 girls.

"Are you guys dating?!" One girl screamed.

"Yes, we are now." Ashton said smiling.

"Aww you guys are cute!" The same girl said.

"I totally ship it!" Another girl yelled.

"I don't!" Like 7 girls said. I looked down. The fans don't like me. Ashton noticed I was sad and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"The fans, they don't like me." I said looking down.

"That's just a few and it shouldn't matter. I like you. The boys like you." Ash said.

"I like you." I said back. Ashton pulled me into a hug. We just stayed there hugging and there's was some awws and some girls walked away.

"Will you guys be nice to Echo? She has feelings too guys and words do hurt." Ashton said.

"I'm Emma." One girl said.

"Hi." I said smiling.

"I think your really pretty and I totally ship you guys." Emma said.

"Thanks." I said and then hug Emma.

"Can I have a picture with you?" Another girl asked.

"Yeah sure." I said. Some of the fans were really sweet and we took pictures and hugged.

"Let's call it a night." Mikey said.

We got back to the hotel. My hotel room was for only one night so I had to stay in the boys room.

I walked into the bathroom and changed into my pjs. I changed into some black yoga short and a oversize sweater that said "I Rather be Sleeping" I put my hair in a mess bun and walked back in. The boys were all in sweats and Mikey had a white shirt on too. I walked over to the couch and watched some tv.

I woke up the next day in a bed.... I fell asleep on the couch though.

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