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It was the day of the play.

Kevin sat in Keating's class... And for the first time.. Kevin didn't listen to Keating's lesson. He sat with his head down the entire time. Conner didn't listen either. He watched Kevin closely, worried sick. Kevin wouldn't tell him why he was upset.

But whatever it was, it really got to him and it was obvious.

Conner couldn't bare to see him like this. When the bell rung Conner walked to Kevin's desk, kneeling down next to him. "Hey... What's wrong, Kev?" He asked, grabbing Kevin's hand. "I'm fine, Con. I'm just... Nervous. And tired." Kevin offered a tiny smile.

"Maybe you should get some sleep, Sweetie.. Skip lunch..? You didn't sleep at all Last night." Conner's maternal side really shown through as he tried to help his Kevin. Keating walked over to the two boys, smiling. "Conner, could I talk to Kevin for a second? He'll be right out I promise."

Conner smiled a bit a nodded at Keating then looked at Kevin, pecking his lips. "I love you, okay?"

"I love you too." Kevin quietly said, smiling a tiny bit at Conner. Conner left the room and Keating looked at Kevin, his smile dropping. "You didn't tell him about what happened, huh?"

"I only told you." Kevin softly, sketching on his desk and avoiding eye contact. His voice was soft and sounded sorta defeated.

"Did you talk to your father?"

Kevin nodded, though he really hadn't. "Y-yeah... He was angry but he understood... He is letting me be in the play... But after that... I-its strictly studies." He lied, hoping Keating believed him.

And though he doubted if this was true, he decided he'd give Kevin The benifit of the doubt. "Well... I'll be there to watch, Kevin. And So will the guys." Keating smiled, patting Kevin's back. "Break a leg, my boy. Now get out of here. You're redhead is waiting."

This made Kevin laugh a little as he stood, giving Keating a hug. "Thank you, Captain." He softly said, before hurrying out the door to his Redheaded Prince.

When it came time to go to the play, The boy's were scurrying to get ready. Kevin had already gone up to the theater. They all wore suits and did their hair.

As Keating was running down the stairs with the boys, Arnold froze at the bottom.

Nabulungi stood there, dressed in a cute little dress smiling at him. Upon seeing her, the guys grinned. When she saw Conner, she practically tackled him. "Conner McKinley!" She said, hugging him tight. "Public School misses you."

"Oh my, I wish I could say the same for The Public school." Conner quietly said, laughing a bit and Hugging his old friend. Although he was certain that she was the only part of the public school that missed him at all.

"Arnold tells me you found someone." Naba smiled at Conner, who blushed, nodding softly. "Yeah.. Kevin."

Arnold cut in to their Conversation. "Jamba Juice, you accepted my invitation!" He said excitedly. "But what about Chet...?"

Naba giggled softly. "Arnold, Please Call me Naba." She smiled. "And... I broke up with Chet. He shouldn't have hurt you. That was wrong of him."

When Naba grabbed his hand, Arnold grinned so huge, it wasn't even funny.

All of the guys headed to Hinley Hall and sat in the middle of the house. When the lights went down and Kevin came out on stage, they had to fight the urge to stand up and cheer right then and there. And He was... Really good. Really REALLY good.

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