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At the meeting on the night of the party, James had Brought his Saxophone. At first he just kept playing random notes in between stanzas... But suddenly... he started playing the most beautiful song. It was absolutely amazing... And when he finished, everyone stared at him.

"Thats hot." Chris said, biting his lip and staring dreamily up at his boyfriend. "I love you."

James smiled and sat down as the other boys pronounced their prays for James Sax skills. James pecked Chris' lips. "I love you too."

Conner and Kevin stayed close to each other, snuggling the entire meeting. Steve sat silently ignoring everyone through the entire meeting. He didn't read or speak. "Speaking of sticking to our word..." James said randomly, though that wasn't at all what they were talking about. "This Is a group that celebrates individuality. Freedom. And justice of the spirited soul. So I posted an article in the name of the Dead Poet's Society in the school paper, demanding they get rid of uniforms and allow girls to come to school here too."

A colective gasp and "you did what?!" Came from the group. "James, Are you insane?!" Kevin stood up fast and banged his head on the roof of the cave, forgetting that he was tall and the space they were in wasn't. "Oh my goodness, are you okay?! Conner stood quickly, being careful not to hit his head as well. "Ow." Kevin quietly said as Conner sat him down. Being the only one in the group with an extreme maternal instinct- and just the fact that he loved Kevin more than literally anything- Conner began checking to make sure Kevin was alright and wasn't bleeding.

"James, we will be in so much trouble if they find out what we are doing." Neeley argued. "Oh come on, They won't know who did it! And if they find out, I'll tell Them I made it up! And also, In spirit of the group, I am abandoning the name Of James Church. My name... Is Nuwanda."

"Nuwanada?" Steve asked, scoffing. "That's dumb."

"You're dumb." James Combated.

Later that day, Headmaster Nolan held an emergency assembly. He spent like.. And Hour rambling on about respect and Honor. "And let me assure you... We will find out what this.. Dead Poet's Society.. and we will punish anyone who is appart of it."

Suddenly, there was the sound of a phone ringing. Everyone looked around, wondering where the hell it was coming from.

James stood, A phone in his hand. "Mr. Nolan... You have a call! Its from god!" He said, smirking as everyone laughed at his little antic. Nolan scowled, glaring at the boy.

After his little fiasco, Nolan called James to his office. Kevin and Chris walked with him down there for simple Moral support. "You're out man." Kevin shook his head. "There is no way you aren't getting expelled."

"Shut up." Chris grumbled. "He's not getting expelled." The short blonde checked his surroundings, then quickly pecked James' lip. "Good luck, Sweetie." He softly said.

James smiled. "You guys wait in the hallway up by our rooms. I'll fill you in later." He grinned. The two others offered wary smiles before dashing off toward their rooms. James' smile dropped as soon as there backs were turned. Taking a deep breath to attempt to his nerves, He opened the door to Nolan's office, walking inside and throwing his walls and defenses.

"Sir.." He quietly said. In this school... They still used Paddles as punishment. And Nolan did, Making James count out loud.

About twenty minutes later, James was upstairs, walking slow and like he was hurting. "Are you out?" Kevin asked.

"No." James replied, his voice cracking a little. "Well what did they want?"

"They said I had to give up everyone's names in the group... And tell them everything."

"Did you...?" Kevin asked. James didn't answer. "James come on.." Kevin said, following him as he walked into his room, though Kevin stopped at the door. "James.."

"Dammit, Kevin." James turned around, tears falling over his face as a small smile spread on it. "Its Nuwanda."

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