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Kevin walked into his bed room in his parents home. Military school... Then medical school... he was being taken from Welton... He'd lose everything.... which meant he'd lose Conner. He would lose his Conner whom he so desperately love. And that thought broke them.

His father had taken everything from him... Kevin had nothing left. Nothing. He was done for... his life was over, everything was gone... And he knew it.

There was no way out... He couldn't escape this he couldn't get away or save himself. He couldn't do anything. Suddenly he broke. T
ears poured from his eyes as he realized what was going to happen to him. He couldn't do it. Taking a shaky breath, he made up his mind.

Walking slowly, he made his way downstairs to his father's study. We walked in and sat down at the desk, crying quietly. In that moment, he gave up. On himself... On his father... On everything. Grabbing a piece of paper, He scribbled out a note...for Conner. Not for his family, not for he and Conner's friends... Just Conner. He was the only thing he cared about anymore.

Then, reaching in the drawer, he pulled out his father's gun. Staring at it for a moment, he thought about his choices... He was done. That was a fact... He wanted to be dead. Honestly he didn't think anyone but Con would notice. And he didn't care he was just... Done. Looking at the, tears falling over his now incredibly pale features... He put his father's gun to his head And-


Mr. Price jumped up from bed. "Did you hear that!?" He said, nervously. Mrs. Price, who had still been awake, nodded quietly. "Go check on Kevin." She said. And and so Mr. Price got of bed. He looked and looked for Kevin throughout his house. "Kevin?" He called as he past his study. Freezing for a second, he caught the swift sent of Gun smoke... Pushing his Study door open, he looked around.

He saw the smoke... Then gun lying and the floor... And then... Kevin. "Oh my god!!" He screamed, running to his son and pulling his now cold body in arms, breaking down into a sobbing mess. "Oh my god, My Son! My Kevin!" He cried. Mrs. Price came running in, freezing when she saw him and dropping to her knee, crawling over to them. "He's okay..." She said, panic stricken and not sure what to do. "He's okay... he's okay! He'll be okay! He's okay! He's alright!" She broke down too as her husband pulled him close, whispering "stop..." Very quietly.

Hours later, Conner was shaken awake by James. His eyes fluttered open and met James face, blinking a few times to focus. James was crying. At the door, all of his friends were crying too. "Conner..." James quietly said, his voice cracking a bit.

"W-what's going on...?" Conner asked nervously. But he was in no way prepared for the answer that James had to give.

"Kevin's dead."

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