Chapter 4

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Its me again! :D Sorry for not uploading for such a looooooooooooooooooong time, I think it was like a month. I just got a bit lazy but it won't happen again. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I don't think there are any. Once again, I appologise, and please VOTE AND COMMENT! I hope more people read my book, It would mean the world to me. hopefully you could get others to read aswell.I just thought maybe you missed my book.............probably not.

And if you haven't noticed I changed my name from stuff-is-a-word to UniqueIn2ManyWays. I would love to hear opinions. Yea that's it so enjoy! :)

Chapter 4

Why am I running out of the classroom? Seriously, I can be so stupid sometimes. Like I’m seriously scared of getting in trouble when I’ve just kicked a teacher in his nuts and beat up Kilee. I lightly tap myself on my head and begin to walk back to my classroom. Taking a deep breath I burst through the door only to see Mr Strittmatter Unconscious and Kyra’s fist clenched.

“KYRA! What the f*** did you do?” I ask.

“What does it look like I did. I knocked out the teacher so he won’t scream , shout or call for help,” She answered quite sarcastically like I’m stupid.

“Good thinking, thanks for doing that,” I mention. I take a peek at all the eyes drilling a hole into my head. Silent. This is such an awkward moment. I see someones head bent like they’re writing something.

“What you all looking at?” I say. They all jump a little, stunned by my sudden sharp voice and an eruption of chatter overcomes the classroom. I on the other hand sit down at my desk and play with a pin. I made it do all kinds of things to perform a play,sing a song and even dance. I sneek a look at The teacher and my worst enemy strewn in the floor. I can’t believe that I was capable of hurting to people in one day. Oh well, they deserved it.

**10 minutes later**

“Romeo, I love you,”I say in a squeaky voice.

“Juliet, I need you so much, lets run away together,” I say in a low voice.

I was in the middle of Romeo and Juliet and managed to find another pin and was performing the best play imaginable when a handful of police (cops) burst through the door. The awkward silence creeps into the classroom again. Everyone starts to tense. A police man strides forward and examines the bodies. Killee looked horrible, not that she didn’t before. Dried blood surrounded her nose, her cheek looked swollen and bruised and a little bit split.Her legds looked severly bruised as well. Tears were streaming down her face. She was just lying there,clutching her face. Shocked. As for Mr Strittmatter, he looked  like he was sleeping and clutching his balls.

“Alright, who is responsible for this mess and especially  knocking a teacher out!” The policemans voice echos throughout the empty classroom.

I take a quick gance at Kyra, her body tenesened up. Her lip starts to tremble.

“Am I going to receive an answer?! Who is responsible!” His voice booms. Everyone remains silent.

“I’m going to count down from 5 and if no one owns up then you’ll all be taken down to the station! 5……4……3…….2………”

I see Kyra open her mouth to speak.

“ IT WAS ME!” I bellow out. I can’t have Kyra get into trouble.

“you! you little piece of girl! HA! I doubt that’s true, stop taking the blame and step aside, I’ve got a job to do,” The police man says and pushes me aside.

“I told you sir it was me!” I try again.

“You don’t look like you can hurt a fly,I told you already missy, STEP ASIDE!”

That’s it! I’M NOT TAKING THIS BULL S***! I shove the people blocking my way, march up to the police officer and bite him. He suddenly jerked back yelping in pain as a stampede of laughter invades the room. I guess it was kinda funny, the way he jumped back. what am I kidding, it was HILLARIOUS! I guess the police officer had a different opinion.

“THAT’S IT!” he screams. I see him reach for his belt. I try to figure out what he’s about to do. I seesomething glimmer in his hand and before I could dash away knowing what’s about to happen. Click.

“Dalila Stell, I’m arresting you for assaulting a police officer, a teacher and a fellow classmate, You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention now something you later rely on in court, anything you do say may be given in evidence……”

S*** I’m in trouble.



*does happy dance* I did it!! hope you liked it!!!! cliffhanger ending DUN DUN DUN!!! I'll upload sonn

and one last thing

BYE BYE!! Have a nice day! :P

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