Chapter 5

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Helloooooooo all my wonderful fans! I tried to stick to my word and upload sooner but my laptop got a virus so it may take a bit longer than usual as I have to use my twins. So here is the next chapter! P.S. remember to vote,comment,promote my story and fan XD

Chapter 5

I see everyone look in my direction. Especially Kyra giving me a what the f**! Why did you do that! I'm sorry I got you in this mess, well to be honest, I don't really think that's a look but I knew what message she was trying to get across. I was ushered out the door by the police man with his colleuges close behind him. Why did I have to get into trouble. not like she didn't deserve it AND Mr Strittmatter! I told her not to say shut up but she did and that flipping ba**** had to give me detention. Like I'm going to go to that.Psshhtt. A cold breeze punched me in the face and sent shivers through my body. I looked to my right and see an amblance with nurses getting out and rushing to the school. Many nosy children are peeking out the window and I'm sure I saw a few teachers there aswell. What losers. My eye catches the police car and I'm not sure why but I wasn't a bit scared. To be honest, I wasn't at all. We approached the car and one of the police mans collegues opened the door for. What a gentleman. I ducked and sat in the car. If I admit, the seats are quite comfortable, maybe I should get arrested alot. The police man got in the car along with one of theother guys while the others ot in seperate cars. I look outside of the car window at everyones faces. I even lip read a girl who I recognise to be in my year calling me a stupid b**** and screwing. Me the stupid b****? She's the stupid b**** for calling me that, I'll sort that girl out tomorrow, but just to let her know I'm after her I stuck my middle finger up at her and recieved a startled expression from her face. Haha, sucker. Eventually we took off and I saw my surroundings mix up toether in one big blob. A vivid arrray of colours flashed before my eyes, maybe I've been looking at the sun for too long. An eery silence over took the car which was really disturing.

" OI, police man, can you turn on the radio," I asked.

" I don't see why not," he replied and switched it on. Heavy metal blasted from the speakers and probably gave me a migrane.

" TURN IT OVER!" I yell over the noise.

" Sorry," he responds and turns to another station. Nicki minaj came from the speakeers. Finally some decent music. I hummed along to Save me by Nicki Minaj until we came to an abrupt hault. I observe my surroundings to see where I am and see a oversized building infront of me with the words "Metroploitn police" on it. The door opens and I clamber ut of it it and progress my way to the building. The poice man opes the dorr and I strut inside feling confident however ended up frightened. The place was quiet and eerie. The occasional sound of shouting was heard. I took a seat and the police man uncuffed me. Finally that was really hurting my wrists. I glance around to see anxious faces. Some playing with hands, some uncontrably shaking. I remeber the song from the car and start to sing it to myself unaware of he people watching me. I finally notice and decide to put on a show for theses anxious people. I pt on my singing voice and stand up. Really belting out every not with devosion and passion. I finaly end the last note and everyone stands and claps for me. MAybe his isn't so bad after all. I opened my mouth to sing another song.

" We got......."

" Dalila Stell please come in for questioning please," an unfailiar voice calls.

Damn. Nice way of ruining the fun......

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2011 ⏰

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