Chapter 2

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Dedicated to Kleptomanic coz shes juz AWESOME!!! Miss u!!!

Chapter 2

I wake up extra early. AARRGH! Monday. I hate Mondays. All that happens is I wake up early only to receive six periods of boredom.  I reluctantly get out of bed and creep down stairs to avoid being noticed by a man I hate to call my dad. Taking off my pyjamas, I step into the shower and wash myself all over avoiding my hair to avoid me having to dry it. I wrap my towel around myself and creep back upstairs. I’m so glad we don’t have to wear uniform. I put on a tight black tank top, black skinny jeans and black lace boots. I apply thick black eyeliner and peer at myself in my mirror. I pick up my school bag, my finished A standard homework, a black leather jacket and begin my agonising journey to school however my best friend Kyra livens up the journey. Well, I say we’re best friends but we’re more like cousins because we’ve known each other for ages. Too bad we’re not in the same class because she’s 2 years older than me. I see her walk out the house and give her a wave. A concerned look takes over her face.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing,” I lie

“Dal, I’ve known you since you were a baby and you think you can lie to my face? Come on, we both know something’s bothering you so you might as well tell me,” she states. Damn it, why does she always have to be right.

“It’s my dad,” I confess.

“What did he do now,” she sighed.

“He looked through my texts and found out I have a boyfriend and got mad at me so we had an argument and he slapped me so we’re not speaking now,” I tell her.

“He slapped you?”

“Yep, I should’ve seen that one coming after what I said,” I mumbled.

“And what did you say? Let me guess, I hate you, don’t speak to me like that, I don’t care I wish you wasn’t my dad, slap, go to your room, fine,” she mimics while make mouths with her hand. She starts laughing.

“It’s not funny, it was worse than that actually,” I mumble. She immediately stopped laughing and looks worried knowing how capable I am to really piss people off.

“Well, I called him a nosy cow for looking through my texts and he told me not to speak to him like that ‘cause he’s my dad and I told him he had no right to look through my texts and called him an ass and he said that he’s glad he did ‘cause I would’ve lied  that I was going somewhere but I’m going to see my boyfriend and he said that I’m too young for a relationship and told him I’m 13 and he said he knows my age and…..” my voice trails off.

“And…” Kyra prompts me.

“And, and I said he knows nothing about me and he’s the reason mum died ‘cause she was sick of seeing his pathetic face and I wished he died not mum and nearly called him a sick son of a b*tch but that’s when he slapped me..”

“OMG! Dal, how you could say something like that!! You can be so stupid sometimes,” she said shocked on what I just told her.

“SHUT UP!” I scream before stomping off. I don’t need a lecture on what to and not to say and she has no right to call me stupid. I hear her calling my name in the distance but I just ignored her drowning out as much sound as possible. I hear rapid footsteps so I just run. I can’t believe it, even my best friend taking my dad’s side. Some best friend she is. Luckily, I arrive at school, early. Crap. Not my intention. Well, as the old saying goes, better early than late. If that is a saying…

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