I've Got A Date Pt 2

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Levy P.O.V.

I'm on my way to the restaurant where Marcus and I will be on our date. Although I didn't know if I was gonna make it. Gajeel almost caught me as I was sneaking out of the house. The idiot thought it would be fun to lock me in his room.

I don't know if I should be happy about this date. I love Gajeel, but I know that he doesn't feel the same way about me... I think. As I arrive at the restaurant, all I can think is 'whoa this looks nice.'

I walk in and a waitress asked me if I have a reservation. I didn't but I told her that I have a date with a guy named Marcus. She brightened up and told me to follow her. We walk onto a big balcony. There are like 5 couple tables and she takes me to a table that has a guy, I'm sure its Marcus.

I sat down in front of him and I could see that he was cute, but he didn't come anywhere near Gajeel. Marcus has dark brown hair with a little blond in it and he had deep blue eyes and his personality was happy and careful and loving. 'I bet most girls fall at your feet, but I won't.'

She hated his personality the most. 'I want a guy who gets angry and only I can calm him down; a guy who loves danger and punches it in the face but always makes me feel safe; a guy I know will tell me what he thinks about something and always be truthful about it. I just want Gajeel.'

"Levy dear. I have long awaited this moment. What would you like to eat." I scanned the menu and everything, and I mean everything, was expensive. I saw chicken alfredo and I told our waitress that I wanted it with a side of fries and some tea {i don't know what she likes to eat or drink so I chose this}. "I will have the same exact thing as my date is having."

I looked in his eyes and I saw something that made my blood go cold. Power hunger. What does he want with me. I don't even know anything about him. Oh no!!! What does he want with me?!?! I'm not that famous. I can't make him more popular!!! This is bad!!! I should have stayed with Gajeel.

He knew something was up so I came up with a quick lie. "I'm obsessed with this new book I'm reading and I don't know how it ends. The suspense is killing me. By the way, what is your last name?" He looked surprised. "Um its Sky. My name is Marcus Sky."{sorry if that's anyones name}

All throughout the date, I was on my phone. Looking up Marcus Sky. It turns out, he is a wealthy and successful business owner. In fact he owns this place. I scuff. 'He takes me out to a restaurant that he owns so he can save money. Pff typical men.' "-vy, Levy, Levy are you ok?" He was talking and I wasn't listening to him. He takes my hand and helps me out of the seat. "Levy my dear, this was fun. We should do it again."

I was contemplating that when he suddenly leaned down and tried to kiss me. 'Oh noooo. You ain't kissing me. Gajeel is my man and no one can take me away from him.' For once me and my mind were thinking alike. I was trying to figure out how to tell him I wasn't interested in him that way, but I was saved by the bell... well more like saved by Gajeel.

He came roaring down the sidewalk, and I mean literally. "Get your hands off my mate!!!" Wha??? What does he mean when he says I'm his mate? Is he serious? He reached us and the first thing he does is pull me to be by his side and then punches Marcus in the face. It is soooo prefect. And then it got even better. "Come near me or my mate again and I will rip you to shreads. Got it?" He put me under his arms and walked away.

Oh my gosh, I should probably thank Gajeel for saving me. And maybe this is the time to tell him I love him. He kinda beat me to it though.

"Look Shrimp, I love you. I hate the thought of you with some other guy. It drives me insane with jealousy. If you don't love me, tell me. I will always love you, but if you don't feel the same way, I will leave you to find someone else."

I am shocked. 'He loves me?!?! I'm his mate, sure I don't know what that means but I have read werewolf books.' I start to stutter. "Y-y-you l-l-love me??? Oh my god!!! I thought you would never love me. You are such an idiot Gajeel. How could I not love you?!?!" I looked in his eyes and I knew then and there that he loves me more than anything.

He looks at me as though I am the light in his dark world. As though I'm the moon and he's the stars. As though we're ying and yang. We're different yet totally the same.

We kissed for about a minute. It was one of those slow kisses, full of passion. My favorite kind of kiss. We stop kissing and walk home. We decided we are girlfriend and boyfriend and we're living together.

We open the door and see Lily sitting on the couch, eating kiwis. He looks at us. "Levy how did you get out?!?! I didn't hear anything." We walk to the room and Gajeel unlocks it. Everything is where I left it. Gajeel starts to chuckle. "Nice job Shrimp. I never thought there was a way for you to get out of my room."

Gajeel P.O.V.

In the library, I found a book on dragon slayers. 'A dragon slayer will become protective and a little possessive over their mates.' I'm glad that my mate is the woman I love.

I leave the library and came across the new restaurant. I see a woman and a man at the entrance. She has blue hair and it's the same length as Shrimps hair. She has the same exact smell Shrimp has. I run to them and it is Shrimp. And it looks like he is forcing her to kiss him.

I start yelling. "Get your hands off my mate!!!" I punch him in the face. "Come near me or my mate again and I will rip you to shreads. Got it?" I put Shrimp under my arm and we walk off.

Does she even love me? I don't care if she doesn't. I'm gonna tell her how I feel. "Look Shrimp, I love you. I hate the thought of you with some other guy. It drives me insane with jealousy. If you don't love me, tell me. I will always love you, but if you don't feel the same way, I will leave you to find someone else."

I shocked her and then her words shocked me. "Y-y-you l-l-love me??? Oh my god!!! I thought you would never love me. You are such an idiot Gajeel. How could I not love you?!?!" I love this short blue bookworm more than words can express.

We kissed for a minute. It was one of those slow kisses, full of passion. My favorite kind of kiss. We stop kissing and walk home. We decided we are girlfriend and boyfriend and we're living together.

We open the door and see Lily sitting on the couch, eating kiwis. He is surprised to Shrimp beside me. "Levy how did you get out?!?! I didn't hear anything." We walk to the room and I unlock the door.

The desk chair is under the window. Now I see how she got out. I can't help but feel proud of my Shrimp. "Nice job Shrimp. I never thought there was a way for you to get out of my room."

Pantherlily P.O.V.

I left Gajeel and Levy in the bedroom. I think you know what they're doing. I just hope that Gajeel is smart enough not to get Levy pregnant. 'Why can't I find love? I want the love that Gajeel and Levy, Natsu and Lucy, Mavis and Zeref, Rogue and Kagura, Bisca and Alzack, Erza and Jellal, Gray and Juvia, Sting and Yukino, Bixlow and Lisanna, Mirajane and Laxus, Elfman and Evergreen, Romeo and Wendy, Loke and Aries have.'


I just listed all my ships. Peace!!!

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